"It was pure joy": a little girl born after undergoing experimental surgery in the womb


Geoff and Rachel Finn were delighted to learn that they were expecting a new baby when they received the news that no parent wants to hear. Their daughter had rare congenital heart defects, which meant she probably would not survive after birth.

"It was incredibly difficult," said Rachel. "I could just see the face of the ultrasound technician change completely, we knew there was something that was not going right away just by the look on her face."


Rachel Finn with her baby Ivy.

Courtesy of Geoff Finn

Their little girl, Ivy, was diagnosed with left heart hypoplasia syndrome. His heart would not be able to pump oxygen into his body. She also had a condition called intact atrial septum, aggravating her case.

But the doctors told the Finns that there was an experimental surgery, never practiced in the uterus, that could give Ivy a chance.

"I was just very grateful that we could try something," Rachel said.

Last month, the Finns left their home in Jacksonville, Florida, to travel to Houston, where Ivy could receive care at Texas Children's Hospital.

She was born Friday at 14h06

"It was pure joy," says Rachel. "They placed it on my chest from birth and she came out screaming and it was something we were not sure to hear and it was unbelievable. "

Ivy had her first open-heart surgery Thursday – one of three planned.

"I mean, our faith is what has been done, what has allowed us to keep hope in the knowledge that this life is not everything, so we are grateful for the time we have been given "said Rachel. "We pray that we will have many, many years ahead of us with her.

"We sort of said," Ivy, if you live for 10 seconds or if you live for 100 years, we'll be there and you'll love with all we are all the time, "Geoff said. .

The Finns said Thursday that Ivy's first surgery had been successful. She is back in the USI, recovering and preparing for her next trip.

To follow the journey of the Finn family, go to their Facebook page.

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