Italian Senate adopts strict decree against migrants


Rome (AFP) – The Italian Senate on Wednesday opened the way for the promulgation of the security decree of the far-right security minister, Matteo Salvini, following a vote of confidence.

The Salvini League's populist government and Luigi Di Maio's Five-Star Anti-Settlement Movement (M5S) won the vote with 163 senators for, 59 against – including five M5S members – and 19 abstentions.

The lower house of parliament has now until the end of November to approve the decree, which the coalition introduced for the first time in September, which facilitates the expulsion of migrants and their remains of Italian citizenship.

Salvini tweeted that it was a "historic day" after the Senate vote.

The government opted for a vote of confidence to have the decree passed by the Senate after M5S members tabled numerous amendments. There should be no problem getting the lower house through the majority of the coalition.

The decree puts an end to two-year "humanitarian protection" residence permits – a lower refugee status based on Italian law rather than international law – which have been granted to 25% of asylum seekers. Last year.

Residence permits will be granted under more stringent conditions such as a "special protection" status of one year or a "natural disaster in the country of origin" status of six months.

– & # 39; Seriously concerned & # 39; –

The Italian Refugee Council said it was "seriously concerned" by the new law.

"The abolition of humanitarian protection will put thousands of people outside the law and only a very small number of them can be repatriated," the statement said.

A new procedure to speed up the expulsion of "dangerous" asylum seekers will also be implemented.

The UN refugee agency said before the vote that some provisions of the decree "do not provide sufficient guarantees, especially for vulnerable or special needs people such as victims of abuse or of torture ".

"Legislators still have time to do what is appropriate, not only for asylum seekers and refugees, but also for the long and proud Italian tradition of respect for human rights. "man," said UNHCR on Monday.

In the future, asylum seekers will be accommodated in larger reception centers, while only minors and those with recognized refugee status will be accommodated in different parts of the country to facilitate their integration.

Currently, approximately 146,000 migrants are held in the country's reception centers, compared with 183,000 at the end of 2017.

The association of Italian mayors has risen up against the change, claiming that having hundreds of unemployed migrants in reception centers can have a negative impact on small communities .

The new law also allows the local police to dispose of stun guns with the Taser and facilitates the eviction of squatters by removing the obligation to find temporary housing for the most vulnerable.

"We must welcome those fleeing war, but there is no place for economic migrants," Salvini said.

"Whoever flee a war is my brother, but whoever comes here to sell drugs and create disorder must go home."

One of the most controversial measures of the bill is to deprive immigrants of their Italian nationality if they are convicted of "terrorism".

Salvini, who is also deputy prime minister, has taken a tough stance on immigration since the coalition came to power in June, refusing to allow several ships carrying rescued migrants to the Mediterranean. to dock in the Italian ports.

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