"It's just so corrupted right now": Carter Page reacts to Strzok's new text-page


Former Trump campaign advisor Carter Page joined Sean Hannity on Monday to respond to the FBI's "media leak strategy" discussed in text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

In a letter to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, Rep. Mark Meadows (NC) cites Department of Justice documents showing the exchanges between Strzok and Page in April 2017.

A day after texts between the two showed that Strzok wanted to discuss the "strategy", the Washington Post reported that a FISA judge was convinced by the FBI and the DOJ that there was "a probable cause to believe [Carter] Page acted as an agent of a foreign power, in this case Russia. "

"Well done, Page," Strzok told Lisa Page, adding that two negative press articles about her "namesake" – an apparent reference to Carter Page – would come out.

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Carter Page has been monitored by the FBI for months after the agency got the mandate from FISA.

"It's not about me," he said Monday. "They are just trying to move to the Trump administration and the Trump campaign."

He said that people in Washington are focusing "only on their own" in the media "for their own personal satisfaction."

"It's just a way to destroy all the great things that President Trump does."

In his letter, Meadows wrote that the texts "should lead a reasonable person to ask himself if there is a sincere desire to investigate wrongdoing or to disseminate offensive information in the media to warrant an investigation." keep on going".

"I want to fix this terrible thing [has] happened to our country, "said Page. He is so corrupt right now. "

Look over the Page and Hannity Conversation above.

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