"It's the most stupid experience in the history of humanity": Elon Musk struggles against the use of fossil fuels and climate change (TSLA)


Elon MuskThe Joe Rogan / YouTube experience

  • Tesla CEO Elon Musk denounced fossil fuels during a presentation show on Thursday.
  • Musk called human use of fossil fuels is "the most stupid experience of human history".
  • The various companies in Musk – electric cars, solar energy and energy storage – testify to his personal investment in sustainable sources of energy.

Tesla President Elon Musk delivered a passionate speech this week against the use of fossil fuels.

Unfortunately, his request to stop burning carbon in its various forms has been lost in a cloud of smoke.

At an appearance in the podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience" on Thursday, Musk called the continued use of fossil fuels "an insane experience" and called on humanity to accelerate the Adoption of sustainable energy sources to replace them.

"We are really playing a crazy game with the atmosphere and the oceans," Musk said. "We take large amounts of carbon from the underground depths and put them in the atmosphere – that's crazy.We should not do that.It's very dangerous."

Although Musk's plea may have been sincere, it was largely ignored later. His interview with Joe Rogan became famous because he smoked marijuana on the camera – a simple puff taken in California, where the recreational use of cannabis is legal under the law. After Musk's appearance and the departure of two executives at Tesla on Friday, Tesla's stock dropped by 7%.

Musk's marijuana moment also overshadowed other important discussions in the interview. He and Rogan talked about everything from artificial intelligence to electric planes to the harmful effects of social media. Instead of the interview sparking larger conversations on these topics, Musk's smoking pot quickly took the form of a meme.

Elon Musk (smoking pot)The Joe Rogan / YouTube experience

Musk explained why he focuses on cars and not on planes

But the biggest loss of concentration on the use of marijuana by Musk was the ignorance of his talk about fossil fuels. During the conversation he explained why he was focusing on electric cars, solar energy and battery technology, instead of other things like electric planes.

"The electric plane is not needed now," Musk said. "Electric cars are important.Solar energy is important.Storage of stationary energy is important.These things are much more important than the creation of electric supersonic." [airplanes]. It is important to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy. "

Although Musk can clearly benefit from the move to electric vehicles with Tesla and solar energy with Solar City, his emotional response has clearly shown that the shift to sustainable energy is not just about business. You could see him in his ways.

In the video, Musk shakes his fist back and forth, averting Rogan's eyes to maintain his composure. He takes long pauses while talking and seems visibly shaken. His face turns red.

Notably, all this took place more than an hour before he smoked a weed.

Elon MuskThe Joe Rogan / YouTube podcast

The burning of fossil fuels is a "senseless experience"

It was only when he stepped into the logical underpinnings of using fossil fuels – or lack thereof – that he seemed to shake his emotions.

"What is strange is that we are going to run out of oil in the long run, only the oil we can extract and burn," said Musk. "It's tautological, we have to have sustainable transportation and energy infrastructure in the long run, so why do this crazy experiment where we take billions of tons of carbon from the basement to place it in the air?" atmosphere and the oceans? " It is the most stupid experience of human history. "

Musk does not focus solely on sustainable energy. He also directs SpaceX, a rocket company that aims to make space travel much less expensive; The Boring Company, a tunnel digging company trying to dig tunnels under Los Angeles for high-speed travel; and Neuralink, a technology company that is trying to create an interface between brains and computers.

"I have a lot on my plate," he told Rogan.

But Musk's emotional response to the problem of human energy consumption clearly shows that he personally takes the threat of climate change induced by carbon.

Unfortunately, this side has not made headlines about smoking and stock price fluctuations.

See the whole exchange here (from 1:18:13):

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