"I've never seen anything like it", a cancer doctor treats patients with a rare connection


OKLAHOMA CITY – October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Ali Meyer of News 4 has a precious story about two women who contracted their cancer very early.

Billie Minney was in her 60s last year when an annual mammogram was performed on a small group of cancer cells.

Betty Lowe also had a suspicious spot on her mammogram last year.

"In the second analysis, they found the mass," recalls Lowe. "They did the biopsy and of course, it was a cancer."

It is the story of two patients, two cases of cancer, a new innovative treatment and a unique link between patients.

"Never, I've never done it before, even in residence, I've never seen anything like it," said Dr. Christina Henson, radiation oncologist at Stephenson Cancer Center.

Ali's special report airs Tuesday night at 22 hours. on News 4.


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