J. Brad Bellotte: Smoking can worsen spinal problems – News – GoErie.com


Smokers are more likely to need spine surgery than nonsmokers.

I talk to people with neck and back problems every day. They are often surprised to learn how lifestyle choices can impact the health of their spine.

One of the more common discussions I have, in addition to diet and exercise, is the effect of smoking on the spine’s well-being.

Lumbar stenosis, or narrowing of the lower spinal canal from arthritis, is a very common cause of back pain. As the spinal canal narrows, the bone spurs from arthritis put pressure on the nerves.

This often happens with age. Smoking can accelerate this process and lead to the need for corrective surgery.

The nicotine from the inhaled cigarette smoke gets into your bloodstream. This happens with both traditional and e-cigarettes.

The nicotine will cause a constriction of the blood vessels that supply the bones, joints and discs of the spine, as well as other tissues in your body. This restricts the oxygen and nutrients from reaching these areas of your body.

When starved of the oxygen and nutrients, the tissue degenerates and has a reduced ability to heal. In addition, the byproducts of smoking promote inflammation that can accelerate the development of spinal stenosis.

One recent study found that heavy smokers, those who smoke more than 15 cigarettes per day, were 46 percent more likely to have had spine surgery than non-smokers. Those who smoke less were 31 percent more likely to have needed surgery.

It is important to note that ex-smokers were only 13 percent more likely to have had a surgery. Smoking cessation can potentially reduce the chance that the spine will degenerate to the point of needing surgery.

Of course, not starting to smoke is the best choice of all.

A sedentary lifestyle and weight problems often accompany heavy smoking. These may lead to increased strain on the back and decreased muscle strength.

There are many lifestyle choices that impact the health of your spine. Smoking is just one. Diet, exercise and proper body mechanics when lifting and moving are also very important.

Talk to your doctor about ways that you can help your spine stay healthy.  

J. Brad Bellotte, M.D., is a physician with Great Lakes Neurosurgery & Neurointervention, UPMC Hamot.

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