Jack Dorsey from Twitter does not know what #OnHere means


Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey testifies at a House Committee hearing on energy and trade about Twitter's transparency and accountability at Capitol Hill on September 5, 2018. Washington.
Photo: Drew Angerer (Getty Images)

A funny thing happens when whites attempt to co-opt black slang while mistakenly interpreting what slang actually means that they are trying to cooperate. They usually end up looking silly, and even when black donkey people try to show where they were wrong, they deliberately – and often out of ignorance – defended their erroneous position as their own. they had misinterpreted it. it's actually redefined – making it quite white.

This type of situation can be better taken into account only by participating in a comprehensive program allowing this white to take advantage of the black slang and ingenuity of the blacks. They want to get out of our culture, take advantage of it, while disrespecting and ignoring those who created the thing that they co-opted in the first place.

Let me give you a practical example.

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey recently spent an hour talking with Jay Rosen of New York University. He talked about everything that was happening on Twitter and discussed the idea of ​​a new feature that Twitter would be playing in, where a green dot would be displayed next to a user's name if he was actively on the app. Dorsey called it "presence". When Rosen asked him to explain what it meant, here is the answer Dorsey gave him:

Presence is like, it's, you know, it's basically "I'm online, I'm here". There has been some kind of incredible organic thing that came out of Twitter, which is #onhere, to describe only experiences that are happening right now or contextualize the experiences that are happening on Twitter itself. We played internally, and we shared some screenshots of what if – of course, if you give permission – and if you saw a green dot next to my name? Seeing that, like …

Sir, I do not think the hashtag means what you think it means.

Jack Dorsey follows me on Twitter. I use #OnHere all the time because I am black and I understand how it is used. I will give you an example and all Blacks (and others) who get it can tell me in their commentary what their interpretation is.


"You would like to get #OnHere and talk to people the way you want. This shit is not cool.


"People will get #OnHere and invent whole stories for tastes and RTs."

#OnHere is a signifier meaning "here on Twitter". It is used and said in the same tone as the one your old pastor uses when he tells you that you are about to discuss the gospel of Jesus "today."

These are old black things that were introduced on Twitter some time ago and have remained stuck.

I'm sure Jack saw me using #OnHere in the proper context on Twitter. I'm not the only black person he follows, so I know he's also seen other people use it. He has obviously seen enough to at least understand that he is an important signifier. He just does not understand what it means.

And even when people on Twitter – black people – tried to tell him he was wrong, he kept talking about what he was thinking, while remaining noisy.

Quite hilariously, this comes at a time when Jack has been severely criticized for not acting fast enough to remove racist abusers from his platform.

He loves black culture, but does he care about blacks?

How to shout Twitter black while allowing their abuse?

How do you call yourself an ally when everything you do says the opposite?

How do you find the nerve of wanting to siphon black culture without understanding its meaning and not listening when blacks try to explain that meaning to you?

Jack Dorsey does not know what #OnHere means, and he got #OnHere on Friday afternoon for you to know.

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