Jacob Wohl tried to insult Chrissy Teigen and ended up dragging himself


It's a tale as old as time: a crisp type has been possessed when he attempted to attack Chrissy Teigen.

Jacob Wohl, the 20-year-old right-wing conspiracy theorist, known around Twitter for his hype tweet about "trendy coffee shops teeming with liberals," moderated a press conference on his campaign on Thursday. of defamation against Robert Mueller. Wohl claims that Mueller sexually assaulted a woman named Carolyne Cass. (Wohl trying to spell his name during the conference was a journey in itself.)

At the strangely comic press conference, Wohl and lobbyist Jack Burkman struggled to keep track of their story and constantly contradicted each other. In a notable moment, Burkman called Wohl a "child prodigy who eclipsed Mozart".

Enter Chrissy Teigen: As this story started to heat up earlier this week and Wohl was on Twitter, Chrissy Teigen asked for an account of what was going on.

Wohl, in a moment of very obvious maturity, responded Thursday with a graph of trends in Google analyzing the number of people seeking his name.

"I became more famous than you," he said blissfully. "That's what happened."

Except that … it does not really work like that.

"It's literally a graphic showing that people had to search your fool for who you are," Teigen said.


Other people on Twitter quickly showed their support behind Teigen.

What will liberals from trendy cafes say?

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