Jahi McMath, California teenager at the center of the brain death controversy, has passed away | Health


Jahi McMath, an Oakland teenager whose brain death as a result of a routine tonsil surgery in 2013 made the national newspaper headlines, passed away on June 22nd.

She was 13 years old when she was operated on to treat pediatric obstructive sleep. Apnea, a condition that made him stop breathing in his sleep and caused other medical problems.

Nearly five years later, "Jahi died from complications associated with heart failure." ] She was operated on December 9, 2013 at the Children & # 39; s Hospital & Research Center in Oakland. After the procedure to remove her tonsils, adenoids and additional sinus tissue Jahi was alert and spoke to the doctors and even asked for a Popsicle.

According to her family, Jahi was in the intensive care unit when she started bleeding arrest. On December 12, 2013, she was declared dead in spirit. His family disagreed with the statement

. This launched a multi-month battle between the hospital, which was seeking to remove Jahi from a respirator after the doctors and a judge concluded that she had died of brain, and her relatives who were are beaten in court. In the years that followed, Dolan published several statements that Jahi was doing well and even improving.

"A preliminary summary of the death (death certificate) was completed by the hospital doctor who treats Jahi stating that his cause of death is hemorrhage as a result of hepatic insufficiency (hepatic), "said the Darden in the statement announcing the death of McMath. He adds: "Jahi suffers from anoxic brain injury for 4 years, anoxic brain injury occurs when the brain is deprived of oxygen" Jahi suffers from anoxic brain injury following a loss of severe blood. after surgery at the pediatric hospital in Oakland in December 2013, when medical staff did not treat Jahi or summoned a doctor after undergoing tonsil surgery, adenoids and a pallet gentle to treat apnea.

CNN has not checked Dolan's accounts of what happened to the Californian teenager or the status of his health.

Children's Hospital and Oakland Research Center argued that they could not discuss Jahi's case in detail because of privacy laws. His mother, Nailah Winkfield, his father-in-law Marvin Winkfield and his sister, according to the statement.

Winkfield stated that she was "devastated by the loss of her daughter who had beggar force and courage." Adding that she "is forcing the world to rethink the issue of brain death," referring to the vast national debate on what constitutes legally and morally the death surrounding the case of his daughter.

Some medical ethicists have said that the case fueled a "brain death" is not death; Winkfield says that she is grateful for the last four years that she has spent with her daughter and although her daughter can not talk to her, "my daughter knew that I was there and she said that she left her job, that she sold her house and most of her business and that she cashed her savings to be with her daughter in New Jersey since 2014. "He is tragic that only now, after her death I can be my daughter at home. "

Dolan said that he will continue his pro-bono fight for Jahi," through the federal rights case civic that was filed in the North. The California District will have his death certificate prepared in a hurry and his date of death set for June 22, 2018. "

Meanwhile, Jahi, who was seventeen years old when she died, is buried.

CNN's Ed Payne, Catherine E. Shoichet, Jason Hanna, Ashley Fantz, Joe Sutton and Nadia Kounang contributed to this report

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