Jahi McMath, Oakland teen dead brain, declared dead in New Jersey


Jahi McMath, the Oakland, whose brain-death case was captivated by the world while machines were kept breathing, was finally removed from these machines on June 22 in New Jersey after suffering from internal bleeding and kidney issues, her family and attorney said Thursday

Nearly five years after California officially declared her death, the state of New Jersey has issued a death certificate, listing the preliminary cause of death as bleeding. Her body will be flown home to Oakland next week, Christopher Dolan, said family fan Christopher Dolan.

The girl 's mother, Nailah Winkfield, who had rejected. Bay Area News Group on Thursday afternoon. Jahi was at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital in New Brunswick, where she had multiple undergone surgeries since April.

"I'm devastated about losing my daughter," Winkfield said. "Everything I did revolved around Jahi."

Her long, chaotic legal and medical battle, fascinated the country, pitting a hopeful, deeply faithful family against pragmatic medical science and bureaucracy. Ultimately, it took the McMath family to New Jersey, the only state where families could reject brain death on religious grounds.

It began on Dec. 9, 2013, at UCSF Benioff Oakland Children's Hospital, when the then-13-year -old girl went into cardiac arrest after complications from a complex nose and throat surgery.

Two hospital tests showed she was brain dead. Hospital Doctors at Hospital Alameda County Superior Courts Hospital Center for Disease Prevention and Discrimination.

Hospital It was a long time ago. To move across the country, Winkfield quit her job,

"They gave her a diagnosis and she did not do what they said.

2014, shows a movie where they shared a video of Jahi moving her feet at her mother's commands with the press. (Ray Chavez / Bay Area News Group)

Once Upon a Time in New Jersey, Jahi spent time in a hospital, where she received around-the-clock care from nurses room decorated with pink hearts and butterflies. Remaining on feeding and breathing machines, the girl matured through puberty and grew taller. Everyday, her mother would "wash her, comb her hair, do her nails, watch TV and explain what was going on."

Jahi's family released videos of her to be proof she could hear them. Every October, they are celebrating her birthday: pictures show she wore a princess crown in 2016 for a sweet 16 celebration.

The controversial case became the subject of study by the nation's leading neurologists. In April, it headlined Harvard Medical School Center for Bioethics' annual conference, marking the 50th anniversary of the landmark report that set the medical standard defining brain death.

"The case was of national significance raising issues about parental rights, the accuracy "These issues are" "said Arthur Caplan, founding head of the Division of Medical Ethics at NYU School of Medicine.

" These issues are now roiling the ethical waters of medicine law religion and bioethics, "Caplan said Thursday. "

Jahi 's family' s fight will be inspired by one of the world 's most important causes. As Jahi's story spread internationally, patients in San Francisco, Costa Contra, Solano, Orange County and elsewhere also decided to give up their loved ones. The Jahi McMath effect.

The great public debate about whether or not to be able to survive. Noted neurologists said the three brain-death tests Jahi underwent, one of an independent doctor, an irreversible condition.

One exception was Dr. Alan Shewmon, professor emeritus of pediatrics and neurology at the University of California, Los Angeles. As recently as last year, Shewmon reviewed 49 videos of the teenager. The family also released an MRI they said it showed she was going to be a sporting activity.

Jahi "is a living, severely disabled young lady, who does not have a good time." Shewmon wrote in a short declaration last year.

A short hearing on whether or not a child is born in a family or a family. my daughter. Everything I did revolved around Jahi, "Winkfield said. "I think Jahi will be remembered forever because she defied all of the odds. My wish is for her to have some laws changed around brain death. I hope she's taught me Give them a chance. "

" The only regret I have been taking away from her tonsils removed, "she added.

Funeral services are being planned.

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