Jair Bolsonaro: An anti-corruption judge could be justice minister


A supporter of Jair Bolsonaro, famous in front of his condominium in Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on October 29, 2018

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Jair Bolsonaro's fans celebrate his victory

Brazilian right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro said he hoped the country's most famous anti-corruption judge would be justice minister or member of the Supreme Court.

Sergio Moro has been the engine of an anti-corruption investigation known as the Operation Car Wash.

In his first television interview since his election, Bolsonaro also highlighted his campaign commitment to relaxing gun laws.

The former captain of the army won an unprecedented electoral victory Sunday.

  • Can Bolsonaro ride the "Bullsonaro wave"?
  • Jair Bolsonaro: The trump of the tropics?

However, his praise for the former dictatorship of Brazil and his comments on race, women and homosexuality have caused concern.

The populist approach of Mr. Bolsonaro has led some media to nickname him "the trump of the tropics".

What did Mr. Bolsonaro say?

The former 63-year-old paratrooper chose to give his first post-election interview to Record TV, a chain owned by one of Brazil's greatest evangelical leaders.

Mr. Bolsonaro relied on the support of evangelical groups to prepare the elections.

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Legend of the mediaJair Bolsonaro, a far-right politician, won the presidential elections in Brazil. But who is he?

He said that he intended to talk "soon" to Judge Sergio Moro and invite him to the Ministry of Justice or the Supreme Court.

He added that Mr. Moro would be a person "of extreme importance in a government like ours".

Mr Bolsonaro also said that he would seek to relax Brazilian firearms laws this year, even before taking office, insisting that a greater number of firearms are needed. 39, firearms would reduce crime.

The easing of gun laws was one of its flagship policies and he suggested that "all honest citizens" be able to own a firearm.

Critics warn that such an approach would only exacerbate violent crime in Brazil.

During talks on Monday, Bolsonaro also said:

  • He would remove government advertising from the media that he deems to be "lying"
  • It aimed to open protected lands to road and infrastructure projects.
  • The budget deficit would be reduced and state-owned enterprises privatized

Who is Sergio Moro?

The federal judge was charged with a major investigation into allegations that Petrobras state oil company executives allegedly accepted bribes in exchange for awarding contracts to companies. construction companies.

Operation Car Wash uncovered a vast network of corruption involving high-level politicians from a wide range of parties.

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Judge Sergio Moro has obtained the convictions of many politicians and businessmen

However, the judge has also been criticized by many people, especially those of the Left Workers Party, after imprisoning former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva for corruption. They say that the former president was the victim of a political witch hunt.

What is Mr. Bolsonaro likely to do in his duties?

Mr. Bolsonaro is a deeply polarizing character who has had a dividing effect on Brazilian society. His controversial comments prompted supporters and opponents to take to the streets.

In 2015, during an infamous incident, he told a fellow legislator that she was too ugly to be raped.

Bolsonaro heads the Social Liberal Party (PSL), an anti-establishment group that combines social conservatism and market-friendly policies.

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Legend of the mediaRival fans fight after election result in Brazil

In the past, he defended the assassination of opponents to the country's former military regime and said he was "in favor of dictatorship".

However, as the election results became clear Sunday night, he told his supporters that he would be a "champion of democracy" and that he would respect the constitution.

He also pledged to reduce state intervention in the economy and said that Brazil could withdraw from the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.

He will take office on January 1, 2019.

It is still unclear whether Mr. Bolsonaro will be able to see all his policies go to Congress.

The PSL party made a breakthrough in this month's parliamentary elections, from one to 52 seats in the lower house. But the Workers' Party, led by Bolsonaro's electoral rival, Fernando Haddad, remains the biggest party with 56 seats.

A record number of 30 parties will also be represented at the next congress. This suggests that finding support for legislation could be difficult for the new president.

How did the result collapse?

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