Jameis Winston sued by driver Uber for alleged incident in 2016


One-quarter of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Jameis Winston, are facing legal action by Uber's driver who accused him of fumbling in March 2016. Matt Baker, of Tampa Bay Times, has reported that the woman had filed a lawsuit on Tuesday.

The driver alleges in the lawsuit that Winston caught his crotch while waiting at a restaurant while driving. She claims damages for "emotional distress and future therapeutic expenses" as well as "exemplary or punitive damages to punish and deter such conduct".

Winston did not face criminal charges for the incident. An investigation conducted by the NFL eight months ago revealed that Winston had touched Uber's driver "inappropriately and sexually" without his consent. He received a three-game suspension for the start of the 2018 season. He served two games of the suspension.

Winston issued a statement in June after his suspension was pronounced by the league, apologizing for the incident.

"She is not impressed by her lack of honesty or awareness of her behavior," said the woman's lawyer at the Tampa Bay Times. "Maybe a more direct financial sanction will grab his attention. He must learn from this and have real insight or pay the penalty.

"She knows that she could be a quick bump for him in his football career, but she's not going to be small."

The lawsuit was filed in the United States District Court in Arizona.

It has also been revealed in the minutes that Winston appears to represent himself. He fired his agent and his lawyer, according to John Clune, the Uber driver's lawyer (who also represented the former Florida state student who had accused Winston of rape in 2012).

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