James Borrego of Charlotte Hornets hopes to serve as inspiration


The coach of Charlotte Hornets, James Borrego, citing the NBA as a model for bringing together different people and cultures, says he wants to use his position as the league's first Hispanic coach "to be a source of inspiration for young men and women, you can be anything you want to be. "

Borrego, hired by the Hornets in May to replace the licensee Steve Clifford, said in a Sports Illustrated essay that he had long been motivated by the disappointments of the dead ends at the beginning of his career but that his pride in his ancestry, His education has largely contributed to his success.

"It does not matter where you come from, how you were raised, the color of your skin," writes Borrego, a native of Albuquerque, New Mexico, in his 652-word essay. "It's the goal I'm looking through."

Borrego joined the Hornets on a four-year contract with Charlotte, with a team option for the fourth year in a row, said Adrian Wojnarowski after recruiting.

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The Hornets were sold on Borrego's solid credentials as a long-time assistant to Gregg Popovich with the San Antonio Spurs, including player development, offensive and defensive plans, and of relations with the players.

"I had been disappointed a few times before.I did not get the job in Orlando, I got closer to Houston job, I got closer to the job at Memphis, "wrote Borrego in the essay. "All this disappointment has really attracted me." Until the moment arrives, until you hear the words: "You're our guy, it's just not real. "

Borrego said at his introductory press conference that he needed to develop Hornets roster players, including Malik Monk and Dwayne Bacon, who saw the limited playing time last season as rookies. . Borrego also highlighted the fact of making the most of Michael Kidd-Gilchrist, who was the # 2 choice in 2012, and Frank Kaminsky, also a first-round pick.

Borrego will also head former veteran Spurs and future Hall of Fame member Tony Parker, who signed with the Hornets as a free agent in July.

"I really do not think of myself as the first Hispanic coach in the league," Borrego wrote. "As I went up the ladder, my goal was always to improve, I never thought about my heritage, my family name, or where I came from." I never really thought about it I am proud, but I do not want to be happy with my current situation. I want to be part of the Charlotte community. I want to lead this group. And most importantly, I want to win games. "

And Borrego knows what it is to win. Aged 40, he was assistant coach of the NBA for 15 seasons, including 10 with the Spurs working for Popovich. Borrego was one of the teams leading the playoffs 11 times with relays in San Antonio, New Orleans and Orlando.

"Our game has become a global game," Borrego said in his essay. "There is nothing like sports to unite people, nations are turning to the NBA as an example, we are a league with one voice, leading the way in inclusion and diversity. I'm proud to be part of it. "

Associated Press information was used in this report.

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