James Woods launched Twitter to be a fool


Photo: Charley Gallay (Getty Images)

Twitter has a pretty terrible track record with regard to the actual elimination of trolls and abusive users of their platform, but sometimes they have one. This weekend, Oscar-nominated actor James Woods, now a Conservative, was banned from the social media site for being a complete fool. According to Associated PressWoods was suspended for a message he shared in July, which encouraged men not to vote in the upcoming midterm elections. Twitter believes that this publication violated its rules because it "can be misleading in order to have an impact on the elections".

Like all those who were rightly or wrongly excluded from their Twitter account, Woods received an email from the company informing him that he would be allowed to go back on the site was removing the offensive tweet. As a stubborn human, Woods refused and – by writing this article –always seems to be excluded from his account. "Freedom of expression is freedom of expression – it's not Jack Dorsey's version of freedom of expression," said Woods. AP, adding that while he was suppressing this tweet in particular, he should watch what he says in all his other tweets. We have trouble seeing how this could be a bad thing.

Unsurprisingly, conservatives on Twitter like Paul Joseph Watson and he fervently tweeted Woods' support, saying that shutting it down is part of a broader campaign to silence conservative voices on the platform. After a few days of feigned indignation, we have no doubt Woods will quietly remove the offensive tweet and return to his usual schedule of publishing conspiracy theories and racist laughter. Until then, enjoy this short break!


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