James Woods mingles with politics to help Alyssa Milano in a California wildfire


Conservative actor James Woods set aside politics on Friday with the goal of helping Alyssa Milano, a progressive and partisan supporter of the Me Too movement, when a forest fire raged in the south of California was threatening his home.

Milano was desperately searching for a safe place for her family's horses, as she and her husband were evacuating their house with their two children.

Woods posted a message on his Twitter Account ask if someone could help the actress.

A little earlier, the supporter of Donald Trump had even advised Milan to know what to do if she could not find a safe place for horses.

Offers of safe places for horses have arrived and Milan soon tweeted that "everything with a heartbeat is safe"And thanked people for their concern. It was not clear if the help came from Woods via Twitter.

Woods' Twitter account, which has 1.84 million followers, has become a kind of clearing house for those searching for missing loved ones or for help – as well as for those who offer help, especially for animals – during the last forest fires in California.

Woods initially added a dedicated hashtag #CampFireJamesWoods for the deadly fire north of Sacramento in Butte Country that burned about 70,000 acres.

He added later #SoCalFiresJamesWoods for the Hill fire near Hill Canyon in Ventura County, north of Los Angeles, which burned 6,000 acres on Friday morning, and the 14,000-acre Woolsey fire south of Simi Valley in Los Angeles County. Malibu homes threatened by Woolsey were evacuated Friday.

After finding a missing loved one safe after pleading on his Twitter account, Woods ruled the social media operation "so much more rewarding than discussing politics." He assured his subscribers that he was safe and away from fires during a visit to New England.

Twitter followers were relieved that Milan, his family and his horses are all safe. But she was also attacked by enemies about her call for help.

Despite some conservative attacks on Woods' appeal on behalf of Milan, he was generally praised by both sides of the fence for temporarily ignoring his policy to help those in need. Some perceived support as a way to overcome the current division of the country.

It is unlikely that Woods is now attenuating his heavy political messages. On Wednesday, he criticized Democratic Republic of Georgia presidential candidate Stacey Abrams for refusing to concede GOP candidate Brian Kemp in a tight race when votes were still counted. Woods called it "not very chic, but not surprising."

Milan did not back down either, but took time:

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