Jamie Dimon does not run for president, but says he cheated on Trump


JPMorgan C.E.O. Jamie Dimon He has a long history of asserting that he does not run for president, although he says and does things that make it sound like a Saturday morning to drive a pickup truck to the suburbs and plasterboard signs. lawn on the residents' courtyards. For example, he described himself at various times as a "proud American", a "complete patriot" and a "patriot before I became president and C.E.O. of JPMorgan. He said his priorities, from most to least important, were "family first, country, JPMorgan last literally". The noises of advertising, such as "America is the best country on the planet" and "there is nothing like it in this country. It's the city that shines on a hill. In September 2016, the words "I would like to be president of the United States of America" ​​have eluded him. Earlier this year, he predicted that Democrats "will have no chance" by 2020, unless they find "a strong, centrist, business-friendly, and free enterprise" [candidate]Just saying that this candidate must have been born in Queens, high on the Upper East Side, and have a full-bodied head of salt and pepper hairs.

At the time, although he claimed he was the only one able to save the Republic from eight years of Donald Trump, a representative of the bank insisted that "Jamie does not run as president". But for you to know, was running – which is totally, definitely not – it would kick Donald Trump's donkey from here to Jackson Heights, which by the way was a a lot neighborhood rougher than Jamaica Estates, if someone wrote stories of origin.

"I think I could beat Trump," said Dimon at an event that was held at his bank's headquarters, Park Avenue, in New York. "Because I'm as hard as he is, I'm smarter than him. I would be fine. He could hit me whatever he wants, it would not work with me. I would fight right away.

[I] said this before Trump was elected. You will not have an elected New Yorker President. Boy I was wrong wrong. And by the way, this rich New Yorker [pointing to himself] in fact earned his money. It was not a daddy's gift. And I grew up in a poorer part of Queens, but I am a banker. I am part of the elite. He . . I do not think the American public sees Trump as part of the elite. They look at him as the parvenu who hit the elite on the nose every day. And so I think. . . I think I could beat Trump.

Of course, emphasizing that one is smarter than an objectively stupid man does not necessarily mean that he is a candidate for the presidency. (Being born into a family of stockbrokers does not make you the salt of the land either.) Less than an hour after his remarks, Dimon issued an apologetic statement stating that & # 39; He was only talking theoretically. "I am not a candidate for the presidency," he said. "I would not be a good politician. I am frustrated because I want all parties to come together to help solve big problems.

Anyway, stay tuned for next week when Dimon – who, in parentheses, has entrusted more daily responsibilities to his lieutenants – says in an interview with CNBC that his exploratory committee is thirsty for an employee Six financial services can fill a pair of Wrangler jeans and talked about opening a bar on the UES after retirement. . but he does not run, so shut up, huh, guys!

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Mick Mulvaney thinks you should repay your paralyzing student debt faster

Mick Mulvaney, who is acting director of C.F.P.B. thought the most important thing he could do was soften the restrictions on loan sharks, and who works for a guy who literally called himself "debt king", believes that people who do not repay actively their debt moral fabric of society:

Mulvaney. . . told CNBC that there seems to be a "disconnect" between many students regarding "loan" and "loan repayment".

"I think people are not paying as much attention to loan repayment," Mulvaney told CNBC. Andrew Ross Sorkin sure Squawk Box. "It worries me from a financial and moral point of view."

"If we teach a whole generation of people that the first major loan they have, they do not have to pay back, I'm afraid of the long-term impact," Mulvaney said. former CFPB In August, an official canceled a report outlining the "legally questionable" fees billed to student bank accounts. (According to Mulvaney, the accuser just wanted to "get his name in the newspaper.")

Scott Pruitt is in talks for his first post-E.P.A. convertible

We'll give you two hypotheses as to what that might be, but you'll only need one:

Pruitt, the former chief of the Environmental Protection Agency, is in discussion to work as a consultant to the Kentucky coal magnate Joseph W. Craft III, according to two industry officials familiar with the projects.

If Kraft's name sounds familiar, it's because Pruitt met him at least seven times in his first 14 months of experience. administrator, and offered Pruitt with some sweet spots on the track at a basketball game of the University of Kentucky in December. While Trump's "ethical commitment" prohibits Pruitt from directly lobbying the E.P.A. For the past five years, there has been nothing to stop him from working as a private consultant for Kraft's Alliance Resource Partners, advising the company on "E.P.A. related issues. "

Who thought?

Trump's rates continue to be a great idea

I laugh! Per Bloomberg:

The US economy is growing at a moderate pace with tight labor market conditions and rising input costs, in part due to trade disruptions, according to a Federal Reserve survey.

"The tariffs would have contributed to the increase of the costs of the inputs, mainly for the manufacturers", indicates the report of the Fed published Wednesday in Washington.

According to the Philadelphia Fed, nearly two-thirds of the companies surveyed said that "price increases and / or supply disruptions have already occurred or were anticipated because of tariffs," with a typical response of up to "On some products and constitute a cloud on all aspects of our business planning. "

Trump was a horrible evil businessman, part 938,518

From the guy who brought you sprinklers are a useless waste of money that can save people in case of fire just no horrible horror of mine will contain braille, say more recently. By The Washington Post:

In the early 1980s, President Trump asked an architect to remove Braille from the planned residential elevators at Trump Tower, New York, claiming that the blind would not live there, according to a former Trump organization leader. .

Barbara Res, a former vice president in charge of construction, made the allegation in an editorial released Wednesday by the New York Daily News and in a later interview with The Washington Post, in which she said that the incident occurred in 1980 or 1981 while Trump Tower was being designed.

According to Res, Trump told an architect to "get rid" of Braille that he had included in the designs of the elevators of the Trump Tower. The architect resisted saying that it would be against the law. "Get rid of braille (explosive). No blind man will live in Trump Tower. Just do it, "said Trump, because he has nothing huge. (The Trump Organization did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Hive.)

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