Jamie Dimon looks back on Trump's critics, gives him a "credit" for a strong economy


Uh nothing.

Jamie Dimon, General Manager of JPMorgan Chase & Co.

JPM, -0.02%

On Sunday, he resumed comments he made last week that he would beat Donald Trump in a presidential race because he is smarter than Trump.

"I should not have said it. And me [did] more frustration and a bit of my machismo. But I should not have said it and so … it also proves that I would not be a good politician.

Jamie Dimon

In an interview broadcast Sunday morning on ABC News "This Week", Dimon downplayed his presidential aspirations.

"I never say anything, but no," said Dimon.

He also said Trump deserved credit for the country's strong economy.

"When President Trump was elected, confidence exploded. . . and that helped the economy, "said Dimon, noting how Trump's pro-business initiatives, such as lower taxes and lower regulations. "It's impossible to know how much, but it helped the economy, just as President Obama helped prevent the economy from getting worse. . . . He should take a little credit.

Ten years after the financial crisis, Dimon understood that he understood the anger that many still feel for Wall Street.

"Some [banks] has caused the problem and I understand that the American public is looking at it and it is unfair, and it was, "said Dimon." They look at it as Washington's elite banks … have somehow so been bailed out [while] They suffered. And there is some truth to that. They did not see the justice of the Old Testament. I understand why there is a lot of anger out there.

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