Jamie Lee Curtis Celebrates the Opening of the Historic Halloween Box Office


"Halloween" had the best opening of the story for a horror film directed by a woman.

Jamie Lee Curtis - Film Panel "Glass & # 39; and & # 39; Halloween & Comic-Con International, San Diego, United States - Jul 20, 2018

Karl Walter / Variety / REX / Shutterstock

Jamie Lee Curtis spent a weekend at the movies thanks to the resounding success of "Halloween" by David Gordon Green. The horror film, which directly follows John Carpenter's original in 1978, topped the wickets with $ 77.5 million. huge win for Universal and Blumhouse, considering the film, a production budget of only $ 10 million. Curtis celebrated the opening of the film on social networks.

"I'm going to try a post on BOAST," wrote Curtis to her millions of followers, and the actress then named all the "Halloween" records set during her first weekend : "The greatest horror movie opening with a female role." The largest film premiered by a woman over 55. Second largest horror film ever opened. Opening in October The biggest opening of Halloween.

Read more: David Gordon Green, director of "Halloween", reveals his favorite horror movie: "The night of the hunter"

Curtis continued, "I could not be more proud of ALL who made this creative experience so exciting!"

In a second article, Curtis wrote that the best part of the film's success during the first opening weekend of the film was to see his family and friends support him in his efforts and go to the theater. "I'm going to be honest," she said, "I've created a reminder [for them,] identical to what I had when I saw 'The silence of the lambs' by myself. "

With $ 77.5 million, "Halloween" almost beat "Venom" to win the biggest opening in October in box office history. Warner Bros. "It" is the only horror movie rated "R" to open higher than "Halloween". The film continues with Curtis' Laurie Strode four decades after Michael Myers terrorized her for the first time on Halloween night. Laurie suffers from PTSD from her traumatic experience with Myers and has been preparing for decades to put him to death if he was finally to return.

As the Halloween holiday falls on a weekday next week, Curtis's movie has another weekend to draw fans of horror movies. "Halloween" is now shown in cinemas across the country, courtesy of Universal.

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