Japanese astrophysicists assure us that our universe is tearing a long time


Nothing remains the same, even for our seemingly immutable universe.

Whether you are firmly convinced that the world was created by goddess Madoka Kaname or not, it is now widely accepted and scientifically proven that our universe was formed by the Big Bang, a massive explosion of cosmic proportions that has resulted in billions of galaxies.

This happened about 13.8 billion years ago, and there was a time when scientists wondered if the universe would succumb to its own gravity and collapse into a Epic Big Crunch. However, in-depth studies would prove later that The explosion of the Big Bang was so huge that his momentum far exceeded the force of gravity of the universe.

Galaxies are now moving away from each other, and extensive research has shown that the widening of the universe is actually constantly accelerating to the outside like a swelling balloon.

▼ From gigantic stars to small atoms, all in the universe is affected.

Although the expansion process is incredibly slow at the moment, there will come a time when he has accelerated to unimaginable speeds, separating the planets from their orbits around the stars, and in the very last moments of the life of the universe, tearing even the atoms into a cosmic event called Big Rip.

▼ The world we know will cease to exist.

The good news is that a group of astrophysicists from the University of Tokyo, as well as researchers from the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, recently announced on September 26 that the universe will be stable for at least 140 billion years.

Faced with such a result, Japanese netizens reacted to this news:

"It's good for peace of mind."
"No matter, our sun will only last 5 billion years."
"Even the universe has limits."
"When there is a beginning, there is an end."
"Since the world is going to end anyway, space travel is useless."

Rather than being discouraged by the inevitable end, we should consider ourselves lucky that we are born in a relatively calm age and not just before the apocalypse. Scientists may have determined the fate of our world and the human period, but 140 billion years are still long enough to create universe-sized robots to keep Big Rip in control .

Source: Kyodo via Hachima Kiko
Top image: GAHAG
Insert images: GAHAG (1, 2)

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