Japanese robots, conduct research Nibiru – UFO


The end of the world predicts in the night of September 22 to 23, but the planet Earth is still alive. The experts made two assumptions, namely why the Earthmen saw Nibiru in the sky, but he flew, causing only floods in Tunisia.

Японские мини-роботы проводят исследование Нибиру - уфолог

US ufologists who study space and express the Apocalypse hypothesis have concluded that the Japanese mini-robots at the time of the study of the Planet X. had, according to the experts, somehow prevented the collision of Nibiru and the Earth.

According to the scientists' papers, the "Hayabusa-2" spacecraft with the Rovers went to the Ryugu asteroid to explore its surface and deliver to Earth the composition of the soil. The unit was sent on December 3, 2014. In 2018, the station reached the destination and sent some pictures of the surface of the Ryuga to the ground.

Японские мини-роботы проводят исследование Нибиру - уфолог

The Rovers managed to repair the strange explosions that intrigued the ufologists. US experts have suggested that the Ryuga mission is a secret Nibiru study program. The Japanese space agency, according to ufologists, has been forced to tackle this problem, while NASA has been repeatedly accused of hiding the truth about Planet X, which is supposed to threaten the Earth with destruction.

According to ufologists, under the pretext of studying the Ryugu asteroid, Japanese scientists were able to predict Nibiru's approach to Earth and send the device to alter the trajectory of the planet X, creating a panic among people and showing images of the Earth. surface of the mysterious asteroid.

Japanese robots are conducting research on Nibiru, said UFO, referring to the fact that in addition to the photos, the researchers had not provided any information on the data received on the surface of the Ryuga and had not planned to detailed studies of the asteroid.

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