Japanese space robots have just landed on an asteroid (and took incredible pictures)


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Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

With regard to space travel, human beings are just beginning. The robots on the other hand are way in front of.

We have the Curiosity Rover does its work on Mars, the Parker Solar Probe is on the road to the sun.

And now, the Japanese Space Agency JAXA has landed two fucking asteroid. Best of all: they returned photographs.

The MINERVA rovers have been launched since the Japanese probe Hayabusa 2, which has been running for several months around an asteroid called Ryuga. The probe is on an asteroid sample return mission and plans to study the asteroid and return to Earth in December 2020.

Two MINERVA rovers were deployed on 21 September and both managed to land. The first shot returned is visible above. It's a bit blurry – mainly because the vehicle was spinning when it fired.

The picture above is much clearer. Yes, that's the asteroid itself in the lower right corner of the photo.

Above, the last shot sent by the Hayabusa probe is absolutely incredible.

Hayabusa intends to land a larger rover, called MASCOT, in October of this year. The project hopes to bring back samples of asteroids to Earth when it returns in December of next year.

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