Jason Blum left the scene in the thank you speech for talking about Trump shit.


Photo: Bennett Raglin (Getty Images)

Evidence that even Hollywood awards – generally considered ivory tower ready for use by many dead elephants – are completely preventable – are immune to the current political discontent in the US, horror producer Jason Blum would have found himself booed and removed from the scene amid a speech of acceptance at the 32nd Israel Film Festival tonight. the Halloween The producer scandalized the crowd by using his speech to talk a little about the elections on tonight's elections, and in particular Donald Trump, having apparently (wrongly) assumed that there was no more secure place on the planet for a wealthy man from Los Angeles to express his dissatisfaction with our asshole. in chief only from the stadium of a presentation of the Los Angeles awards.

Not so, though, as THR Blum spoke of the media antagonism by Trump and his tacit support for racism, saying, "We have a president who calls the press the enemy of the people. Thanks to our president, anti-Semitism is on the rise. In the video of the speech, you can hear the crowd growing stronger as Blum continues to express his dissatisfaction for Trump, finally cheering when a man – identified by THR as Beverly Hills Pawn Yossi Dina, reality TV star – approached the stage and began trying to move the producer away from the podium. Eventually, security was called and Blum was escorted from the event. One of the organizers of the event then tried to correct the problem with a shredder "And the Dodgers?", But the bloodlust of the crowd did not seem particularly satiated in front of this attempt of mollification specific to THE

Blum then reflected on his very strange evening on Twitter:

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