Jason Blum publishes a full anti-Trump speech after a break at a film event in Los Angeles


Jason Blum persisted: Producer "Halloween" and "Get Out" may have been cut off after his anti-Trump remarks at the 32nd Israel Film Festival on Tuesday night, but he then shared the full story of the speech.

Blum was prompted to leave the stage and whistle during his thank you speech for the IAF 2018 Achievement in Film & Television Award. He said: "Thanks to our president, anti-Semitism is on the rise", according to The Hollywood Reporter,

After leaving the event, Blum went to Twitter to say that the night was "a little messy". Later, he has posted the entirety of his speech, Including the pieces he could not relay to Tuesday's event.

"I was honored by the Israeli film festival tonight and, unfortunately, I was not allowed to finish the speech I was trying to deliver. Here's the message … ", tweeted Blum as an introduction to the entire speech.

Read it here:

Thank you, Lin, for those kind words and for your friendship. I'm glad you're here tonight. And thanks to Meir Fenigstein, everyone at the Israeli Film Festival for this tribute. I am honored to be honored by a group dedicated to showcasing Israel's thriving film and television industry. I am particularly honored to share the stage with Avi Nesher whose work I have admired for many, many years. Avi has never been afraid to tackle serious social problems and his films are appreciated by the public and critics around the world. He played a central role in the growing importance of Israeli cinema. I am also a big fan of Israeli television. As an avowed binge observer, I spent too much time with Fauda and Hostages. Not to mention Homeland, which would not exist without Hatufim. So we have a lot to celebrate tonight by opening the 32nd Israeli Film Festival. At the same time, today, Americans have gone to the polls to exercise our right to vote on the future we want for our children. The election results are flowing as I speak. And so many things are online. The last two years have been difficult for all of us who value the freedoms we enjoy as citizens of this country. The sense of community that has united us for generations has almost disappeared. We have seen the end of the civil discourse. We have a president who calls the press the enemy of the people. Nationalism is skyrocketing. Dog whistling is widespread and anti – Semitism is gaining momentum as my generation never imagined. The Internet has become a place where people can express their anger and spread their hate anonymously. It helps bigotry prosper. The truth is that hate speech breeds violence. It dehumanizes. He demonizes. And finally, it targets. What we saw in Pittsburgh was a horrible example. These are not isolated incidents. They do not happen elsewhere. They are happening HERE in our communities and we need to speak. We can not allow anti-Semitism or bigotry to become generalized. Those of us who work in film and television. have a vital role to play in storytelling representing all kinds of people from all over the world. Stories that entertain, but also encourage us to think more and more about who we are and where we are going. It is time for us to be vigilant in bringing new voices to the cinema. To feed diverse filmmakers from all walks of life who can offer unique perspectives on the world. When you have the chance to put yourself in the shoes of people who do not look like you, it's harder to hate them. Above all, the time has come for all of us to examine our values ​​and decide what we are willing to tolerate. It's time to be responsible. It's time to talk loudly when we see examples of fanaticism. Do not allow it to your friends, colleagues or family members. If we are not responsible, we could wake up one day in a country that we do not even recognize. Let's all hope that today's elections begin to chart a different path – not just for the United States, but for the entire world – a path that reaffirms the values ​​we all cherish. Thank you.

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