Jay Electronica Vanishes from Twitter after dissolving Eminem


Jay Electronica is no longer on Twitter. His death follows a pair of barbed wire tweets targeting Eminem last Friday (14 September). In the tweets, Jay had criticized Em's Killshot lyrics, which alluded to the unfounded rumor that Diddy had ordered Tupac's death.

"How dare you accuse Diddy of killing Tupac while you were watching Jimmy Iovine completely and those who took advantage of his death," tweeted Jay Friday. "You'd better walk carefully, my son, before I come knock down your ivory tower as Sulaiman did with the Templars." In a second tweet, he declared the leader of the Nation of Islam in 2003. An Instagram account associated with Jay was also removed.

Pitchfork has e-mailed Jay Electronica and Twitter representatives to share their comments.

The deactivation of the account coincides with the re-release by Jay Electronica of his song "Shiny Suit Theory" in 2010, with JAY-Z and The-Dream. He appeared Monday morning on Tidal – look below.

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