Jayme Closs: police detects 911 after the disappearance of a Wisconsin girl and the death of her parents


Investigators have intensified their research Jayme Closs, age 13 Tuesday, dog deployment and publication of new photos of the teen, whose parents were found dead at the family home in Wisconsin. Jayme's relatives told CBS News that the door to the house had been closed by gunshot. Jayme has disappeared since Sheriff's deputies discovered his parents' bodies Monday morning.

The investigators urged the public to give advice.

"We have more than 200 tips, which is an excellent source, but we need these tips," said Barron County Sheriff Chris Fitzgerald.

The police received an inaudible 911 call from the home of the Closs family around 1:00 am Monday. When they arrived, they found the dead James and Denise Closs parents inside and Jayme left. The sheriff told CBS News correspondent Adriana Diaz that he had identified the cell phone behind the 911 call.

"I'm not able to tell who owns the phone that is part of the investigation," Fitzgerald said.

Family members said that Jayme was last seen Sunday afternoon at a birthday party and that nothing seemed fake.

Miami police said on Monday they received a tip. Jayme may have been seen at a gas station in a black SUV, as shown in a surveillance video. But Wisconsin investigators quickly dismissed this trail.

"We have no credible information indicating that it was a credible board," Fitzgerald said.

Diane Tremblay is the director of the Jayme School District.

"She is a runner on our cross-country team and a wonderful addition to the family of our Barron area school district," said Tremblay. She described Jayme as a sweet and discreet girl, a faithful friend.

"A teacher recently spoke to me about Jayme." Jayme wrote one of her tasks in response to the question "What would you do if you were given a million dollars?" "She said," Feed the hungry and give the rest to the poor, "Tremblay said.

"Everyone feels very helpless right now," said a family friend, Melissa Salmonson. The members of the small, united community are shaken. They met Tuesday evening at a vigil to pray for the safe return of Jayme.

"It takes you in the arms of your kids, that makes you nervous," said Bethany Stevens, a community member. "It's just disturbing."

The investigators said that they did not believe that Jayme was a suspect in the death of his parents. A gun was involved in the murders, but the sheriff will not say how Jayme's parents died or if a gun was found. Autopsies should take place on Wednesday.

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