Jeff Bezos explains why 8 hours of sleep is important for making decisions


To make sure he's not "tired or grumpy" when making important decisions, Jeff Bezos says he's making an effort to have at least 8 hours of sleep each night.

In an interview with David Rubenstein, co-founder and executive co-chair of the Carlyle Group at the Washington Hilton, the CEO of Amazon discussed some of his habits and his daily life at Amazon.

"I give priority (sleep)," said Bezos. "I think better, I have more energy, my mood is better."

"As a senior executive, you are paid to make a small number of high-quality decisions – your job is not to make thousands of decisions every day," said Bezos. "Is it really worth it if the quality of these decisions may be lower because you are tired or grumpy?"

Bezos talked about the importance of sleeping 8 hours ago.

"Eight hours of sleep make a big difference for me, and I'm trying hard to make that a priority.For me, it's the amount needed to be excited and excited," Bezos said at a conference. 39, an interview in 2016. "Most of the time, we do not need to maximize the number of decisions we make each day. It is more important to make a lot of key decisions than to make a lot of decisions. your sleep, you could have some extra "productive" hours, but this productivity could be an illusion. When you talk about decisions and interactions, quality is usually more important than quantity.

Addressing the crowd at the Washington Hilton, Mr. Bezos also said that he was only doing "high IQ" meetings that could be "mentally difficult" before lunch, otherwise he waits the next day.

"I go to bed early and get up early, "said Bezos." I like doing putter in the morning. I therefore like to read the newspaper. I like to have a coffee I like to have breakfast with my kids before going to school. "

Watch the full interview with Bezos here:

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