Jeff Bezos of Amazon launches a $ 2 billion "Day One Fund"


Jeff Bezos has launched a $ 2 billion "Day One Fund" to help homeless families and establish kindergartens, the CEO of Amazon said Thursday.

@JeffBezos on Day One Fund

As CEO of Amazon, founder of the Blue Origin rocket company and owner of the Washington Post, Bezos is the richest man in modern history, with a net worth of $ 50,000. at least $ 150 billion.

Critics later asked him to put his billions into philanthropic efforts.

In June, Bezos said he had identified two areas of interest for future charitable activities.

Here is his complete statement:

I often talk about the importance of maintaining a first day mentality. It's always day 1 and I work hard to apply that state of mind to everything I do. It was a day 1 perspective that brought me to ask for suggestions on approaches to philanthropy last year. By so many important measures, the world continues to improve and it is one of the fantastic aspects of human nature that we, humans, never stop looking for (and finding!) Ways to improve things. Our lives are better than the lives of our grandparents and their lives were better than the lives of their great-grandparents before them. If our great-grandchildren do not have a better life than ours, something is wrong. Where is the good in the world and how can we spread it? Where are the opportunities to improve things? These are exciting questions.

MacKenzie and I believe in the hard work potential of no matter who serve others. We all have this ability. Business innovators who invent empowering products, writers who write books, public servants at the service of their community, teachers, doctors, carpenters, artists who make us laugh and cry, parents who raise their lives a lot more. In addition to Amazonia, my areas of interest have so far been investing in the future of our planet and our civilization through the development of fundamental space infrastructures, support for American democracy through the Washington Post management and financial contributions to various causes, ranging from cancer research to equality of marriage, scholarships for immigrant students, and the reduction of political polarization through partisan support for veterans of the next generation.

We are delighted to announce today the Bezos Day One Fund. It will begin with a commitment of $ 2 billion and will focus on two areas: funding non-profit organizations that help homeless families and creating a network of new kindergartens aimlessly in low-income communities.

The Day Day Families Fund will award annual leadership awards to organizations and civic groups that do compassionate work to help meet the immediate needs of young families. The vision statement comes from the inspiring Mary's Place in Seattle: no child sleeps on the outside.

The First Day Academies Fund will launch and operate a network of Montessori-inspired, high-quality, fully-funded preschool facilities in underserved communities. We will build an organization to directly operate these kindergartens. This gives me pleasure because it will give us the opportunity to learn, to invent and to improve. We will use the same set of principles that drove Amazon. The most important of them will be a real customer obsession. The child will be the client. "The education is not the filling of a bucket, but the lighting of a fire." And light this fire early is a gigantic leg for any child.

I want to conclude by thanking all those who have sent me suggestions and for inspiring examples of innovation that I see every day, big and small. It fills me with gratitude and optimism to be part of a species so concerned about its personal development.

It remains day 1!


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