Jenna Jameson adds calories after reaching 125 pounds.


Weight of the goal = goal meal!

Jenna Jameson has reached her weight of 125 pounds. last week, which means that she can move on to the fun part of the diet – add calories.

After five months of monitoring the keto diet and intermittent fasting, the former 44-year-old adult movie star lost about 63 pounds. Initially, she wanted to reduce to 110 pounds, but she realized that her current weight was healthier.

"I think my body decided that it was my ideal weight. 125, "Jameson posted on Instagram on September 9th." My unhealthy mind continues to think that I must be 110 years old. I say quietly "not today, demon." I will not give in to the voices that tell me I have to be a size 0 to be loved. When I look in the mirror, I see health and happiness, and that alone is my fuel for continuing this lifestyle.

Now the mother of three is moving to the maintenance phase of weight loss, which is why she is adding more food to her daily diet.

"Since I'm at my goal weight (125), I do not want to lose more, so I drop my calories from my usual #ketodiet," she said Sunday. "But listen to me, I do not say to myself:" It is good to eat dirtiness turned into rubbish! I'm sticking to delicious fresh organic foods. I just allow myself room.

In the case of Jameson, this means larger portions and greater tolerance to food.

"Yesterday I ate a huge sriracha burger with protein-style jalapeños. I ate salmon and a great Caesars salad for dinner and took my three usual eggs and cheese for breakfast, "she said. "I also allow myself treatment more often now. Once a week, I get ice cream or ice cream. A guilty pleasure for sure!

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Jameson admitted that adding calories can be nerve-wracking, but it's important to stay calm.

"My scale reflects and stays in place," she said. "I think a lot of us worry about details that do not really matter, like exact times and numbers. My advice is to trust your intuition and trust your body.

Jameson's impressive weight loss came after almost giving up on losing his baby's weight. She started the keto diet in March, almost a year after giving birth to her third child, her daughter Batel Lu, in April 2017.

"I took the picture right for a positive post for the body that I was going to do and decided not to do it because I did not feel anything positive," she writes. before and after. "I am now on a little less than four months on the #ketodiet and it does not just give me physical results, I feel happier, smarter and much more confident.

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