JESSICA CHAMBERS MURDER: Juries visit the crime scene on the third day of the Jessica Chambers murder case


The jury conducted a field trip where Jessica Chambers was discovered by first responders in 2014.

The jurors visited Thursday morning not only the scene of the crime, but also other places close to the prosecution case against Quinton Tellis.

The first step was the discovery of the burning car of Chambers on December 6, 2014.

The jurors saw traces of burns on the trees next to Jessica's car.

Then, the jurors were taken a short distance from where a family found Jessica's keys two days after the murder.

Here it has also been revealed that Mrs. Flowers lives directly across the street.

Mr. Flowers testified Wednesday that, on the night of the murder, he took an unknown man, taking him to his home, he said, Julia Chambers.

The jurors were then taken a short distance on Highway 51 to the M & M convenience store where a video surveillance captured Jessica's video shortly before her death.

The jurors finally saw Quinton Tellis' house, which is immediately south of the store where Jessica was seen.

FOX13 will continue to cover Jessica Chambers' murder trial throughout the week. Look at the full coverage of the second day below.

The second day of the new Quinton Tellis trial began on the same day as the first day. More and more first responders took the floor to tell what they had seen.

More importantly, they broke down what they heard when they arrived at the scene and made contact with Jessica Chambers.

"You could hear it … it sounded like Eric," firefighter David Gammell said.

"… when I say Eric or Derick – as if I said that she was not able to state aw we are," said another paramedic Josh Perkins.

And that's because according to emergency teams, Jessica had burned over 98% of her body, including her mouth.

The prosecution has also introduced into evidence images of the crime scene. The photos included a lighter and a cell phone – both found next to Jessica's burned car. A car that asked questions to the investigators.

When investigator Edward Dixon of the Panola County Sheriff's Department asked why the passenger seat had caught his attention, he replied "… because of the seat's position. As far as she was sitting, you are told that someone was sitting there.

However, Wednesday's biggest bombing was that of Panola County Sheriff's Deputy Darrell House, who said that Jessica had told him more than one name when he asked who did it.

"The best I can understand, it's a black man," said the vice president.

FOX13 will continue to cover Jessica Chambers' murder trial throughout the week. Look at the full coverage of the second day below.

Second day, fourth part:

Second day, third part:

Second day, second part:

Second day, first part:

The first day of the new trial for the murder of Jessica Chambers' trial ended on Tuesday.

Emotions were strong throughout the first day of the new trial, while Quinton Tellis is accused of setting Chambers on fire and killing him in 2014.

Preliminary arguments were presented, as well as the first set of witnesses who took the floor.

The victim's mother, Lisa Chambers, was one of the witnesses of the first day.

She took the stand after the opening statements and was asked about the hours that preceded the death of her daughter.

Chambers told the court that when she saw her daughter for the first time, she was told that Jessica had "about 93-98% burns" with no chance of survival.

The first responders who took the stand stated that Ms. Chambers was "severely burned" and that her "hair was fried".

One witness, a first responder, claimed to have heard the victim pronounce the name "Eric" or "Derek" when he found it.

However, a speech therapist publicly stated that it would have been impossible for Chambers to say one or the other name when asked who had injured her.

"After what I saw, in my opinion, the severity of what I saw would have prevented that person from producing an articulated sound," said Dr. Carloyn Higdon.

LaKeshia Myer, a close friend of Jessica Chambers, spent the day with her. Myer described driving with Tellis in the back seat of his car.

"We did not have these conversations with us three, it's me and Jessica talking," Myer said. "He will just be quiet most of the time … they were friends and she had known him for a while.

We will have live coverage of the trial every day. Day 3 begins Thursday at 9 am Watch the proceedings live here:

Related: Jury selected before Jessica Chambers' second trial

The jurors were selected Monday in a county more than 160 kilometers from Quinton Tellis, accused of killing Jessica Chambers in 2014.

First day, third part

First day, second part

First day, first part:


Quinton Tellis is accused of murder in the commission of another crime, a third degree arson. Due to three previous counts, the indictment accused Tellis of being a habitual offender.

Tellis pleaded guilty to unauthorized use of his credit card and was sentenced to 10 years in May 2016. He was subsequently charged with death.

The jury was unable to reach a verdict last year in the first trial of Quinton Tellis, charged with murder in the death of Jessica Chambers in 2014. It ultimately ended with a jury in suspense.

Related: Mistrial declared in the murder case of Jessica Chambers

What to expect:

This trial could last a week. Prosecutors say the location of cell phones, video, DNA on a key ring and Tellis 'statements link him to Chambers' death.

A new witness may testify to have picked up Tellis that night near the place where Chambers was burned.

The defense insists that several members of the rescue teams heard the dying say that someone called "Eric" or "Derek" had attacked him.

Tellis faces another indictment in 2015 after the death of Meing-Chen Hsiao in Monroe, Louisiana.

Associated Press contributed to this report.

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