Jets offensive coordinator Jeremy Bates polishes Patriots after three weeks of helmet problems


FLORHAM PARK, N.J. – Sam Darnold did not take a lot of shots, but his offensive coordinator took one from the Patriots on Thursday.

Jeremy Bates said the Jets had helmet problems in each of their three games, forcing them to burn timeouts. In discussing the situation, Bates had a little fun in front of the rival Patriots, who went beyond the limits of the game and were accused of falsifying headphones during home games three years ago.

"It's been three games, and I do not apologize, but three times our helmets have failed," said Bates. "I do not throw anyone under the bus, but the button has stopped working. We tried to correct it. Obviously, we understand that this can happen at any time, especially in New England. "

It was an ironic comment that could play and that would probably win more if the Jets were playing the Patriots this week. But they will be in Jacksonville Sunday, hoping their helmets will be in perfect working order and that Darnold will be able to hear Bates' play calls in his helmet.

"We test all the time," said Bates. "We test it before the match. Sometimes it fails. It's technology, it's just part of the business. It's happened in all three games. Sometimes there is interference, radio interference. . . It's amazing. I do not know how to do it, but I guess you can deal with people in China, but our helmets are coming out.

Cue all the jokes, considering that the offense of Jets sometimes seemed anemic. They scored 12 points in a home defeat against the Dolphins two weeks ago and were beaten by the Browns, 21-17, on Sept. 20, scoring three points in 37:58.

Now they will be facing one of the league's best defenses in the Jaguars, and the communication will have to be good for their attack against this unit.

Bates said the Jets have a backup system in the form of hand signals to transmit the game to Darnold when problems occur.

"We developed a system and we tried this system in Cleveland and we had to call a waiting time," Bates said. "We continue to grow with that.

"You must receive the signals. You enter this comfort zone of communication with the quarterback and suddenly the button stops working. We must be able to make better communication problems and to make signals. "

Todd Bowles has minimized helmet problems, as he does in most situations. He said that this was happening and that everyone had to adjust and pick up the signals from the hand if it happened again.

Nobody blames the Jets' incoherent offensive play on the occasional lack of communication. Bates said the communication with Darnold was relatively fluid and that, like the rookie quarter, the offense is a work in progress.

Everyone is waiting for the Jets to open the game book and allow Darnold to shoot more down and spread the ball.

In the loss to Cleveland, several of the passes were screens for catcher Quincy Enunwa, who was effective. He is the first receiver of the Jets with 17 catches for 212 yards.

But the two biggest weapons of the Jets last year, Robby Anderson and Jermaine Kearse, were not very targeted. Enunwa has 29 targets at 18 for Anderson and Kearse combined.

"The defense requires a lot of staff in a match," Bates said. "What staff battles do we want to take advantage of? What are the personal battles that give us the best opportunity? Each week will be slightly different. Obviously, we want to involve everyone. This is part of the game plan. It's part of keeping the offense in the right direction. "

Anderson had a 41-yard touchdown in Detroit's Week 1 win, but has tapped in each of his last two games. Kearse missed the first game with an injury to the abdomen, but she is healthy now. Bates said he planned to further involve the two receivers

"Guys have to stay positive," he said. "You never know when this moment comes when your moment breaks out. I committed an offense when I told a certain catcher that you probably would not get the ball back and that he had 18 or 21 catches. You never know how the game will unfold. You must stay positive and believe that the next game will be an opportunity to play. "

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