Jewish Nurse: I treated for love a suspect shooter from a Pittsburgh synagogue


A Jewish nurse who treated the shooting suspect at Pittsburgh Synagogue said he witnessed confusion but no harm to man, and that his own actions stemmed from love.

"I'm sure he did not know that I was Jewish," Ari Mahler, a registered nurse, wrote in an article posted on Facebook, about the suspect Robert Bowers, who was taken to the hospital. Allegheny Hospital after the October 27 ransacking at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh Squirrel Hill District left 11 dead.

Mahler described his role as "the Jewish nurse" who treated the suspect, saying that he felt nervous about sharing his story, but that "I know that I feel lonely for the moment, and that the irony of the world that speaks about me does not seem right without the chance to speak for myself ".

"I did not tell him a word of my religion," Mahler said in his message. "I chose not to tell him anything all the time, I wanted him to feel compassionate, I chose to show him empathy, I felt that the best way to honor his victims was that a Jew proved to him that he was wrong. "

A representative of the general network Allegheny confirmed the authenticity of the post.

Bowers, 46, pleaded not guilty on Thursday to a charge of murder, hate crimes, obstruction of the practice of religion and other crimes for which he could be punished with capital punishment. According to the authorities, Bowers raged against the Jews during and after the massacre. He remains imprisoned without bail.

Mahler, whose Facebook page said that he had started his work at the hospital emergency department on March 1, said he did not see the harm in Bowers' eyes but "a lack blatant depth, intelligence and palpable confusion ". He said that he could not go into the details of their interactions because of medical confidentiality requirements, but Bowers thanked him for "saving him" from him being kind and treating them the same way that I treat all other patients. "

He noted that this came from the same person accused of mass murder who "sowed panic in my heart fearing that my parents were two of his 11 victims less than an hour before his arrival".

Mahler, who stated that his father was a rabbi and that he had suffered a lot of anti-Semitism when he was a child, said that he had acted out of love.

"Love, that's why I did it," he says. "Love as action is more powerful than words, and love in the face of evil restores hope to others. It bears witness to humanity. It reaffirms why we are all here I do not care what Robert Bowers thinks, but you, the person who reads this, love is the only message I want to convey to you.If my actions count for something, then Love means everything.

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