Jill Biden says they want to "fight" with bullies


Jill and Joe Biden

Former Vice President Joe Biden reacts as his wife, Jill, recounts his meeting with a bully while they address the National Dinner of the Human Rights Campaign to Washington, DC. | Cliff Owen / AP Photo

Dr. Jill Biden appears to be ready for a campaign in 2020.

Introducing her husband, former Vice President Joe Biden, at the Human Rights Campaign's annual dinner in Washington on Saturday night, the former second wife told the story of her childhood from knocking on a bad guy's door. boy in the neighborhood. hitting him in the nose.

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The crowd of LGBTQ activists and supporters cheered.

"Nothing makes us more angry than an abuser. There is nothing more unfair or unjust than the people who use their power to try to make others feel small, to tell them who they are or what they are capable of, to say that their identity does not belong. Equality is one of the priorities of the Biden Foundation, but with what many people in the crowd have heard as a not-so-subtle commentary on President Donald Trump. "There is nothing that makes us want to choose a fight more than that."

The former vice president is considering another run at the White House, but he rejected the decision until two months before the mid-term campaign was held across the country. The Bidens often speak for themselves as a clan and certainly act as a clan, and his wife's opinion will be crucial when making his decision – she was perceived by people in contact with her as having reservations as to its race in 2016.

The last time Joe Biden appeared at this dinner, it was in 2015, at one of the few public appearances that he made while weighing in this race.

Saturday night, he took the same thought as his wife to talk about his potential opponent for 2020.

"The president uses the White House as a literal and literal pulpit, exercising power over those who have little or no power," said the former vice president.

As at the time, Joe Biden's decision to declare his support for gay marriage in 2012 – forcing President Barack Obama's hand and others to do the same – made him a hero of this event. of the LGBTQ community.

HRC President Chad Griffin presented the Bidens as "our friends and champions".

The former vice-president spoke at length about his decision to run for a same-sex marriage and twice cited his late son, Beau. He repeated a line that became his central argument against Trump, arguing that the presidency does not represent the best of what America really is.

But much of the talk was about the greatest cause of equality.

"Those who try to excuse this kind of bias in the name of culture, I say," Prejudice is prejudice and humanity is humanity – it's a crime, "said Joe Biden. by Trump to stay engaged. "Our work has not been done by all means yet. The stakes are far too high.

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