Jim Carrey Blasts Kavanaugh Confirmation, Calls Trump ‘A Traitor’


“Today is not the end of the world,” he told the crowd at his panel during The New Yorker Festival on Saturday. “That is tentatively scheduled for November. But you can do something to change it!”

Jim Carrey got political during his panel at The New Yorker Festival on Saturday. 

The Kidding actor, who was joined by associate cartoon editor and humor writer of The New Yorker Colin Stokes, who moderated the panel, took no time in addressing the big news of the day: Brett Kavanaugh’s controversial confirmation to the Supreme Court. 

“Today is not the end of the world,” he told the crowd, before urging them to vote in the upcoming midterm elections. “That is tentatively scheduled for November. But you can do something to change it!” He also joked, “Are we going to get to see all those Confederate statues again?”

And, in a more shocking moment for the panel, Carrey mused about the possibility of the conservative judge voting to overturn Roe v. Wade: “What’s the positive there? Hanger sales go through the roof?”

Carrey has taken up the art of political cartoons in the last few years, often sharing his work with his Twitter followers, something he alluded to on Saturday. “I feel feelings, and that’s the only way I can deal with them is to turn them into something positive. All pain equals art,” he explained.

Carrey frequently lampoons President Trump, current events and more with his drawings. On Saturday, he shared a drawing of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who was one of several women to come forward with accusations of sexual assault and misconduct against Kavanaugh, with the caption, “Real American heroism. Dr. Ford risked everything to tell the truth about this privileged Kavanaugh goon. Avenge her in November.” 

Of the president, Carrey similarly didn’t mince words during the panel. “We need to revisit presidential powers. I don’t think the founding fathers had a traitor in mind for the highest office,” he said.

But, as political as Carrey can be, he said he has no interest in running for office. “No, not with my past,” he said.

Earlier on Saturday, after a fight that seized the national conversation, Kavanaugh was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. The 50-48 vote was nearly along party lines.

The New Yorker Festival runs through Sunday in New York City.

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