Jim Carrey rages, from Trump to "the Christian right," says "it's never been about morality"


Hollywood celebrity Jim Carrey told an audience in Los Angeles that President Trump was "raping" the country with the help of a very specific group – the "Christian Right".

The man who plays "Mr. Pickles "from the television series" Kidding "joined a political panel at Vulture Fest on Sunday in which he spoke about his anti-Trump art and the state of American politics. Mr. Carrey's usual criticism of the president went hand-in-hand with criticism of right-wing Christians.

"These are not people you can handle," he said of the Trump administration. "You can not be bipartisan with a criminal. A rapist must be kidnapped, not negotiated with. These people are violating our system, they are destroying it right in front of us. … Trump is a melanoma and anyone who covers it, including Sarah Sanders, wears makeup. This shows that there is a deeper problem in this country and that it is greed. "

Mr. Carrey then turned to address conservative voters of the faith.

"I think [the nation is] will discover once and for all that the Christian right has never been a question of morality, it is about staying in power and using morality to do it, "he said.

The artist then evoked a painting by Mr. Trump crucifying Jesus, among other projects, The Hollywood Reporter noted Sunday.

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