Jim Carrey Shreds, "used car salesman," Donald Trump: "He's tearing us apart"


For the interview, the actor-artist donned a new pair of Nike sneakers as a tribute to the brand's promotional operation with former 49er quarterback Colin Kaepernick. injustice. Carrey has already hailed Nike's decision with a cartoon.

Trump is "a used car salesman," said Carrey, whose works have targeted the Trump administration in recent months.

"He did not make America even better, but he rolled back the odometer," he added. "So who knows what's wrong with us?"

Carrey, however, had a message for Trump supporters.

"We have to go back to a place where we realize that a vote is not what you are," he said. "Because you voted Republican does not mean you are stupid, you are no different, you are not worthless. I could break the bread with anyone who voted for Trump. We could find a common ground and a reason to love ourselves.

Check out the full interview above.

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