Jim Harbaugh of Michigan is still hot about the pre-game fight in the state of Michigan


ANN ARBOR, Mich. – Michigan State coach Mark Dantonio said Sunday that he was ready to recover from the fight between his team and the Michigan players.

Jim Harbaugh is not.

Harbaugh doubled Monday by recalling the Spartans' actions before Michigan's 21-7 win in the "Bush League". He stated that he thought the sports directors of both schools should discuss what Michigan considered a game management problem.

"To call it unsportsmanlike or call this bush league is an understatement," Harbaugh told reporters.

Harbaugh 's anger kicked off two hours before the sendoff on Saturday when Michigan State entered its stadium a few minutes late for its usual ritual of walking with the locked arms of an area locked. end to each other in a straight line that extends across the width of the field. Some Michigan players were already on the field when the Spartans arrived for what Harbaugh called a "stormtrooper-orchestrated march", which led to a slow-motion game of chicken and posture between rival players.

The Michigan State players said one of their staff had asked the Wolverines to temporarily go to the sideline before heading to the field. Harbaugh said that did not happen. He was not on the ground at that time, but learned of the incident by other Michigan staff members. Wovlerine spokesman Dave Ablauf said that a Michigan player was "sliced" during the pre-game walk and that another had had a pair of headphones having been torn from his head. Harbaugh said Dantonio was walking "five meters behind everything smiling".

Dantonio called these claims "B.S." minutes after Harbaugh took his place with him in their respective post-game press conferences. Dantonio said Sunday night during his weekly teleconference that he was not going to answer in detail and that he thought the whole ordeal was "juvenile".

Harbaugh disagreed with the word "juvenile" on Monday, saying it was an attempt to conceal the situation. He also brought a piece of paper to his Monday press conference with an old quote from Dantonio.

"I'll go a step further and use the words of coach Dantonio from a few years ago," Harbaugh said. "It's not a product of the team, but their program." Again, he's using his words. "It could have been an unfortunate affair." I'm proud of our guys who keep their cool. "

Michigan linebacker Devin Bush reacted to the pre-game altercation by launching a series of motions on the Michigan State midfielder's logo with his holds. After the match, Bush declared that he was acting in "pure emotion" and that he could not go back, so "that is what it is". Harbaugh said Monday that he was not blaming Bush for his reaction.

This year's pre-game exchange joins a long list of animosities out of the field in the history of rivalry. The Michigan players bet in Spartan Stadium before losing to Michigan State in 2014. The best-known jab is that of former Wolverines halfback, Mike Hart, who called the Spartans "little brother" after a win in 2007. Dantonio responded to this comment by telling reporters "pride comes before the fall." Michigan State then won eight of the next eleven games in the annual series. The visiting team has lost the last four games.

Michigan senior defensive end Chase Winovich referred to this quote from Hart in a post-game interview with Fox Sports in the field.

"Sometimes your little brother starts to make his own, and you have to put them in place," said Winovich.

Dantonio said in the week leading up to Saturday's game that matches with Michigan since Harbaugh's arrival had been respectful and athletic, as both coaches "respected football", which had an impact on their players. Harbaugh said Saturday that the length of time between the two programs has been changed to become less cordial.

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