Jimbo Fisher: No timetable for building the Texas A & M program


COLLEGE STAGE – It's probably best not to keep an eye on the clock when creating a program, explained Texas A & M coach Jimbo Fisher at the weekly teleconference. the SEC.

"You go minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, and year by year," Fisher said, as the Aggies prepare to host the Clemson number 2 on Saturday night. "You simply build a culture (of) how we think and how we practice and how we do things that allow them to be successful."

If all of this becomes entrenched, players are no longer worried about forming a winning team – it becomes a matter of support, Fisher added.

"They do not worry about success and they do not worry about winning, they worry about playing well and getting ready," he said. "They worry about things that they can control, and then the results come."

The Fisher Aggies are still in the monthly part of his process – a concrete validity considering he won a national title in his fourth year at Florida State, a program that had stabilized before his taking retirement from Bobby Bowden in 2010.

"You have to trust the process of how we do things, then believe in what we are doing and it must be a total commitment," Fisher said. "Over time, it's like everything, trust comes into play and the love of players and coaches and all those who come together to create this chemistry and camaraderie. … it's just an endless process.

Fisher's nascent A & M process will win its first big test at Kyle Field this weekend, with the Tigers as the two-digit favorites on the Aggies. A & M started their season with a 59-7 win over Northwestern State last week, while Clemson eliminated Furman 48-7.

10-year-old Tigers coach Dabo Swinney won a national title in 2016 and played in the semi-finals of the university football competition last season for the third year in a row.

"They are dynamic on both sides of the ball," Fisher said, adding that the highest ranked non-ranked opponent has never visited Kyle Field: "This will be a great opportunity; it will also be a huge challenge. "

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