Jimmer Fredette scores 75 points in the Chinese Basketball Association match


BYU's former star, Jimmer Fredette, scored 75 points in a Chinese Basketball Association match Sunday, a career highlight for the former NBA mate who will be playing his third professional season in China.

After a slow start, Fredette found her pace and started scoring goals in the second half of the match, scoring 40 points in the fourth quarter to set a league record.

However, Fredette's performance was not enough to lead Beikong (137-136) against the Shanghai Sharks. After scoring on an acrobatic lay-up to give his team two points with 7.2 seconds to go, Pierre Jackson of Beikong tied the score 3.

"Absolutely sick of tonight's loss, but what a game it was! Proud of our guys who fought," Fredette wrote on Chinese social media after the match.

Since joining the ABC in 2016, Fredette – dubbed the "lonely god" by Sharks devotees – has drawn many fans to China with her sense of purpose and affable personality. In her inaugural season, Fredette scored 73 points in a double overtime game, her career-highest.

This season, he averages 38.3 points per game and leads the league with 3.9 flights per game.

After being named Naismith College's year-round player with BYU in 2011, Fredette was the 10th overall pick in the Milwaukee Bucks Draft in this year's draft, but he never matched his college success. in the NBA. The 29-year-old has played for the Sacramento Kings, the Chicago Bulls, the New Orleans Pelicans and the New York Knicks.

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