Jimmy Butler and Timberwolves fall to Spurs in first match


It looks like Jimmy Butler and the Minnesota Timberwolves are doing it.

After a dead season that could be described as "tense", where Butler stood up to the team, he cursed the team and asked him out of the team. 108 to the San Antonio Spurs.

The use of Butler was still an important part of the Timberwolves game plan, which may well be all that the team can do now that all the trade negotiations for the star have failed, even if the owner of the team has already conceded Butler is more likely to sign with the Minnesota Twins than the Minnesota Timberwolves after this season.

Despite the defeat, it was not quite the ridiculous disaster that could be expected given the fireworks of the person in low season. In fact, T-Wolves have even managed to be resilient.

The Timberwolves had a difficult start

<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "The Timberwolves actually seemed as rocky as expected open the game , with the first two assets of each team, including a total brick Andrew Wiggins, a guardian of Karl-Anthony Towns and a Wiggins trip. "data-reactid =" 21 "> The Timberwolves looked as rocky as expected to open the match, with the first two assets of each team including a total brick Andrew Wiggins, a goalie from Karl-Anthony Towns and a Wiggins trip.

This game was in keeping with Butler's complaints against Wiggins and Towns throughout the off season, provoking and insulting them throughout Butler's first practice with the Timberwolves. He also reportedly organized a meeting reserved for players to assert his authority as a team leader that he is actively trying to leave.

The Timberwolves did not do much better for the rest of the quarter, 31-23 after 12 minutes of play. You could have been forgiven for assuming the team would call from there, but their game would change soon .

The opening of the Timberwolves season could have worsened. (Getty Images)

Jimmy Butler is late

Minnesota slowly recovered in the second and third quarters and took a two-point lead in the fourth quarter. However, Towns got in trouble early and was finally fouled in the middle of the fourth quarter.

Butler also spent more minutes than usual, which makes sense since he missed the entire NBA pre-season because of his stance. The head coach Tom Thibodeau before the game that the attacker would play in "shorter segments".

Butler was productive, albeit a bit inefficient, when he was on the ground, recording 23 points on 9 shots out of 23, with seven rebounds, three assists and four interceptions in 32 minutes. His last points were the most important, when he managed a three-point score with 43 seconds tied to tie at 108-108.

Regarding the teammates that Butler openly ridiculed, Towns did nothing else because of his nauseating problems: he scored only eight points on two out of six shots. 18 shot. Such combined performance was probably not what the Timberwolves did not have in mind when they hired the two young players to extend the contract extension contracts for this season as much as possible.

Butler avoids trade issues after the match

Despite all that Butler did, said and shouted this off season, he was still diplomats about the situation after the defeat. He even hinted at 81 other games with Minnesota, although he dropped a ridiculous sentence on the fact that he could not do anything about a possible exchange for which he had really did a lot to make reality come true.

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