Jimmy Butler not with Minnesota Timberwolves for the last pre-season game


Jimmy Butler was not with the Minnesota Timberwolves in Milwaukee on Friday as they were gearing up for their last pre-season NBA game.

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Wolf coach Tom Thibodeau told reporters after a morning shoot that Butler remained in Minneapolis to "work on his conditioning."

Minnesota open the regular season next Wednesday in San Antonio.

Butler, who was the subject of trade talks, made a dramatic comeback to the squad on Wednesday, daringly challenging his teammates, coaches and front-office leaders during the session. Butler then spoke at length with Rachel Nichols of ESPN to discuss her conflicting relationship with the team and the coaches.

The Timberwolves canceled the training on Thursday, although Butler told Nichols that he had met his teammates. He also said in Wednesday's interview that the source of his dissatisfaction is what he considers to be the lack of commitment of the team for the win.

"I think that's the part that not everyone sees," Butler said. "I'm not going to say no to names, I'll be honest, if your priority # 1 is not winning, people can say it's the battle." Now, there's a problem between people, that's where the lag is. "

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