Jimmy Fallon fought hilariously the tears of his daughter's first day of school


Jimmy Fallon, Winnie, father, daughter


Jimmy Fallon totally kept his cool on the first day of school of his daughter … somehow.

As the Tonight host described to the fans and Jennifer GarnerThursday, it was officially time to bring his eldest daughter, 5 years old Winnie Rose Fallon, for his first day of kindergarten.

"I did not cry … but I did a little," admitted Fallon to the Pepper mint star, herself a mother of three. "I kinda withheld it, I did not want to be the crying father."

However, Fallon admitted that just going to school made him feel moved. While he stated that his wife had "lost" him, he tried to hold back the tears because of the other fathers who were holding him together.

As he described to fans in a Facebook Live, he "sucked" his own tears until they felt like they were in his neck. "I kept my tears in my neck," he joked.

The result? This clumsy face "trying not to cry" that we all knew before. Check out the clip below for the hilarious recreation of Fallon.

Of course, Fallon was not the only one to see their child leave for his first day of school this week. Famous parents love Nick Lacheyand Vanessa Lacheyas good as Jessica Albaand Cash Warren also commemorated the first day of their children with adorable portraits posted on social media.

Although mothers and fathers were moved by this important step, the faces of the young people did not fail to smile.

That the countdown of the summer officially begins!

Take a look at E! Above to know the good first day of school shots.

(E! And NBC are both part of the NBCUniversal family.)

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