Jimmy's decision on "Best Call Saul" on his practice brings him even closer to his life "Breaking Bad"


Spoilers for the You better call Saul The season 4 finale follows. All the spectators have seen this day happen, but you may be as surprised as Kim to learn that Jimmy will be Saul Goodman in You better call Saul from now on. goodJimmy will be at least Saul when it comes to being a lawyer – and Season 5 will look at how that identity will bleed in the rest of his life. His decision to practice law under the name of Saul Goodman comes at the end of the season 4 finale, "Winner". Kim helps Jimmy to be reinstated and his choice to go through Saul shows that he is far removed from the judicial system of his older brother, Chuck.

The title of the episode comes from the flashback that opens the episode. Jimmy has just become a lawyer and Chuck is vouching for him. To celebrate, they go to a karaoke bar and Jimmy leads his brother, stuck, on stage for an interpretation of "The winner takes everything" from ABBA. While Mom mia fans know that this song is about love, Jimmy adopts the most cynical interpretation at the end of "Winner".

It is bitter to think that it was necessary to pretend to care about Chuck to regain the good graces of the bar. He knows these snobby lawyers will never allow him to be part of their club, as this Chuck Scholarship candidate who stole from the showcase. So, now that he has this opportunity to practice law again, he's not going (beware of ABBA) being a fool who respects the rules. He wants to be at the top and the best way he knows is to defend the culprit as Saul Goodman.

Ursula Coyote / AMC

Of course, Saul is not really a winner, as Cinnabon manager Gene points out. But he has a successful career as a criminal lawyer before facing his loss by representing Walter White. He gets that success by playing with his strength and without worrying about little things like conscience or morality. And he is motivated to do it by all the people who have snubbed and despised him in the past.

Unfortunately, what he misses in his reader is the way he alienates the person who has always stuck to his side – Kim. Even after their massive fight at "Wiedersehen", where Jimmy unjustly pinned her insecurities on her, she still helps him get reinstated. As she has shown, she is not opposed to a ploy or two and the couple has fun deceiving the lawyers who can only see Jimmy in the context of Chuck. But it's also Jimmy's attitude towards Chuck who is tearing them apart.

Nicole Wilder / AMC / Sony Photos

Although Kim is far from Chuck's number one fan, she still believes that Jimmy has to mourn his brother. And she thinks that basically, Jimmy is in mourning. However, as he showed in the premiere of season 4, Jimmy is not saddened by Chuck's death. Kim continues to think that he is suppressing certain emotions about his brother (which is why she wanted him to see so badly a therapist this season). And during his reinstatement hearing, it seems to him that he has a real revelation about what his brother meant to him. She is so disappointed and hurt to see that all that Jimmy said during her audition was simply a manipulative ploy.

She is doubly disappointed and hurt when Jimmy announces to the employee that he will practice under the name of Saul Goodman. She helped him to go that far and he never revealed his intention to practice law under his pseudonym of phone salesman to the burner. In addition, Kim made it clear in "Wiedersehen" that she had limitations regarding their disadvantages. It is therefore unlikely that she will support her new venture.


Jimmy is motivated by resentment because he feels everyone has already decided to send him away – and no one has made him feel more like his brother Chuck. Thus, Jimmy 's speech to Kristy Esposito, a law student in the making, really explains her own state of mind for the future. "You will do what you need, you hear me, you will not follow the rules, you will follow your own path, you will do what they will not do." You'll be smart, you'll cut the corners, and you'll win, "he says. "The more you rise, the more they will hate you, well, well, you rub your nose, you make them suffer."

The genius writers on You better call Saul summed up Jimmy's worldview in one speech without it being too obvious. However, there is no doubt that Jimmy will follow his own advice in the future. The impact of this conscious change on her romance with Kim is unclear as her involvement in Saul's life remains a mystery. But Jimmy may have gone too far to see that he has a person who really believes in him. And if Jimmy becomes Saul both professionally and personally in the coming seasons, he is doomed to Kim's loss.

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