Joanna Gaines shares the adorable baby image and first look at her nursery


& # 39; Fix Upper & # 39; Featured in a Kids Room Decor

On Saturday, Joanna Gaines gave fans a glimpse of her son's perfectly decorated bedroom while she shared an adorable photo of the newborn.

People reports that the star of Fix Upper took on Instagram to give his 8 million followers a snapshot of Baby Crew's life a week away. Quarantine gave birth to her fifth child with her husband Chip a week ago. The baby arrived more than two weeks earlier, so his quick arrival surprised the family. The couple also has four other children: Drake, 13, and Duke, 10, and his daughters, Ella, 11, and Emmie Kay, 8.

She captured the sweet image, "It's been a little over a week and he's settling down" She completed the caption with a loving heart emoji. The nursery at the # Serene air featured Crew swaddled and comfortably laid a comfortable rocker.The HGTV star pulled her out of the park when she designed her son's nursery, which is not surprising given her experience

In a few hours, the photo has collected nearly 1.1 million likes on Instagram and thousands of followers "In the week following the arrival of Crew, Joanna shared several photos including a photo. she curl up with the little "little hug."

According to the appearance of things Chip, who is in charge of swaddling, does a great job wrapping the newborn Like a little burrito.

After giving birth, Joanna posted a photo of her at the hospital with the little boy wrapped and sleeping in a cradle.

"Our little boy, Crew Gaines, is here and we could not be more in love.He made an unexpected (and fast) entry into the world two and a half weeks earlier – which is appropriate since 39, it was a sweet surprise from the first day.Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.We are so grateful ,. "she wrote.

Two days after Joanna gave birth to Crew, they returned to Waco, Texas, to start as a family of seven instead of the family of six, has been for eight years.Joanna even joked to a point that her friends believe that she could be 45-year-old pregnant, which would mean that she has not finished with her family yet.

The pair shocked the fans when they decided to end their hit HGTV show, Fix Upper, earlier this year, which was filled with a lot of changes for the family. [19659011]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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