Job offers in the United States reach 6.9 million


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The number of vacancies in the United States reached a record 6.94 million in July.

Numbers: The number of vacancies in the United States reached a record $ 6.94 million in July, which clearly shows that the booming economy enters the second half of the year with considerable momentum.

Job openings rose from 6.82 million in June, the government said on Tuesday.

About 5.68 million people were hired and 5.53 million lost their jobs in July. Such a level of what economists call "churning out" is common in the huge US economy.

The proportion of people who left their own job, known as the quit rate, increased by 2.7% among private sector employees. The record is 2.9%, established in 2001.

The quit rate was 2.4% among all workers – also at a record level. The government started following in 2000.

Workers who change jobs are generally better paid than those who stay in their old jobs. And more people change when they have confidence in the economy.

Lily: Larger wage increases are coming in for millions of Americans thanks to lower unemployment

What happened: Job offers have increased the most in the insurance, finance and manufacturing sectors.

Retailers have reduced the number of aid announcements by 85,000, reflecting the current difficulties of older brands, while purchases are heavily Internet-oriented.

Job offers for education and government have also declined.

Big picture: The US economy is booming. Growth surged in the spring and continued during the summer. The unemployment rate is very low at 3.9%, layoffs at age 50 and small business owners are more optimistic than ever.

Some workers take advantage of the strong economy and tight labor market by changing jobs in search of better wages. As a result, companies offer more attractive wages and benefits to attract new workers or retain old ones.

Lily: The United States adds 201,000 jobs, with workers' wages reaching their highest level in nine years

Read also: Unemployed claims fall to 203,000. They have not been so low since December 6, 1969.

Market reaction: The Dow Jones Industrial Average

DJIA, + 0.29%

and the S & P 500

SPX, + 0.22%

fell in the trades on Tuesday. The nasdaq

COMP + 0.29%

Pink. The stock market fell in September after a strong rally in August.

The 10-year Treasury yield

TMUBMUSD10Y, + 1.12%

rose to 2.94%.

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