Jodie Whittaker wants her "Doctor Who" to be accessible to everyone – including you


Let's put one thing aside: Jodie Whittaker is the first woman to assume the role of Doctor in British television. Doctor Who, a pivot in the historically male casting who is 55 years old in the making. But we do not talk much about this when Time Lord, the new brand, visits Bustle's headquarters during his New York City lightning tour. Certainly, it's a big step forward for the franchise to finally hand over the TARDIS to a woman, but there is still much to celebrate and analyze about the new season (which begins on October 7 and is broadcast every Sunday on BBC America) and his new star.

But if you're a little confused by the terms "Time Lord" and "TARDIS" or do not know exactly how to move to a series that aired his first episode in 1963, know that Doctor WhoThe rich story of The is based on reinvention: the arrival of a new doctor always opens a new chapter of the series, which facilitates its entry. The idea of ​​presenting a fresh start was encouraging for Whittaker, who was new to the world of ideas when she decided to take the cap.

"I am a new Whovian and I am new to this world," she says. Fortunately, being an unconditional fan is not a prerequisite for joining the cast. The eponymous character of the series is literally regenerating each season, meaning that each new version of the character – Whittaker is officially the 13th – is unique in personality and appearance, while retaining the same memories. "Doctor Who celebrates change, inclusion and regeneration, and this must be for all, "she said. It can only be for people who know it. "

Ben Ritter / Bustle

It's a bit odd that, unlike several former Doctor Doctors actors, Whittaker did not grow up after the show and idolizes the time-traveling stranger who picks up strays and shows them the universe. Because despite a busy schedule in appearances – including the first appearance of her first episode in front of 5,000 people at the New York Comic-Con – she is full of friendly energy and enthusiasm this Friday morning, at the image of his character incarnation. And, like the doctor, Whittaker is immediately at home. The first thing she does when she enters our studio is to go to the Spotify computer to get some music for the shoot (it's the electronic artist Pete Tong, which she is ecstatic between the flashes of the photographer).

I think limiting it to a kind of science fiction in his label does not help, because it's his own genre, in a way.

Given the global reach of the series and its long legacy, the person playing the role of the Doctor is much more than simply presenting the number and delivery of the lines. As the show's face, the actor assumes the duty to be an ambassador of the show and Whittaker clearly embraces all aspects of it. Moreover, being open to new experiences is perhaps the most dominant feature of the time traveler. That's partly why Whittaker was thrilled by the established universe of the series once she began to dive.

"Doctor, especially the way [new showrunner Chris Chibnall] wrote, is so hopeful and has this incredible ability to learn continuously even with this extraordinary setback, "she says. And it's a lesson in life, never having the impression of knowing the answer. And I think that as adults, we can often prejudge a scenario … [we’re] sometimes closed to the frankness of what might happen, and I think it's the opposite of the Doctor. It's an extraordinary thing to play. "

Ben Ritter / Bustle

Ben Ritter / Bustle

She talks a lot about the freedom of this role, which allows her not to describe some of the most painful mistakes and anxieties. The doctor does not care what anyone thinks of her, although she is still the strangest person in the room. It is not weighed down by inhibitions.

"It's not everyone – there are lucky people who continue well in their 80s without being shy," concedes Whittaker. "But there is a part of you that does not necessarily always want to stand out, but the problem with the Doctor is that he does not try to do it!"

They do it anyway – everyone, including Whittaker. And while this lack of child restraint may be perceived as a sign of naivety in the real world, the actor believes that it is actually "rather brave".

The current story of the series is not limited to the traits of character transmitted from Doctor to Doctor. Doctor Who is serialized; there are stories that endure and the doctor has suffered several lives. But it also restarts every few years and the Doctor herself talks about the walk forward and her experience.

To demonstrate what this means, Whittaker evoked another of his most famous roles as a contrast: his distressing portrayal of the bereaved mother Beth Latimer in the crime drama. Broadchurch (The project she worked on for the first time with Chibnall.) For this person, the death of her child "dictates everything," she explains. "Well, that's not the case for a character like the Doctor."

In this part, she does not have to play a set of circumstances, which is a playground for an actor, according to Whittaker. Its message of connection and exploration makes the show accessible to newcomers, even those who do not necessarily call themselves fans of science fiction.

"You play an extraterrestrial, you're not limited to social etiquette, to periods of time or anything like that.You are a traveler who is there to experiment and who has this extraordinary way of see the worlds and life and time and science and space and all, "says Whittaker. "And I think I limit [the show] a kind of science fiction in his label does a disservice because it's his own kind, sort of. And yes, it's beautiful. "

Ben Ritter / Bustle

The structure of Doctor Who is such that the public also has the ability to see everything that Whittaker mentions through the eyes of the doctor's companions – or, as this new season says, his friends. The first episode of the season features Graham (Bradley Walsh), Yaz (Mandip Gill) and Ryan (Tosin Cole), the humans whose Doctor interrupted life and changed forever. And history takes its time, establishing their lives and their relationships with each other. About 10 minutes go by even before the doctor shows up. ("Can you imagine when I was reading it? Am I in it?" Rit Whittaker, mimicking reverse script pages. "First woman, they cut me off!")

Everything in me is goosebumps, I've seen it two or three times now … it's, it's … epic.

Whittaker explains that the size and variety of this TARDIS team provides even more entry points for newcomers. "It's potentially the first Doctor Who episode that you have already seen, or that you are an unconditional fan and that you get to know new people, "she says. [we] give them space to explore, develop, understand the world they are in, which is a very normal home environment, until that alien literally crashes into it. So, with that, I think you are so invested by the end of the episode, because you have to know them and fall for them. "

Ben Ritter / Bustle

Whittaker certainly seems to have fallen in love with her co-stars. "Brad is exhausting," she says with a smile. "Tosin is laid back horizontally, Mandip has fun bones in every part of her body, and it's such a wonderful combination." The Doctor is sometimes described as a "solitary god", hence all the tagalongs, and it seems that the star also prefers to have friends with her. "I'm sad, I do not stop complaining!" she talks about managing the press tour without them, smiling at BBC America's advertising team.

This does not mean, however, that Whittaker does not like to be chosen to embody one of the most iconic roles of the media. Her eyes light up when she describes the most impactful scene of the first for her – the moment the doctor finally arrives.

"Everything in me is goose bumps, I've seen it two or three times now," she says. "[It’s] the fact that they put the score of the soundtrack at that time, for about four seconds. That's it, it's … epic. And as a person, you just … realize. I've always known the responsibility, the honor and all these things and what you are part of, but when you see your face in the episode and you have time to enjoy this forever recognizable score, you know, I think it's my favorite piece of the set. "

And that's all from there. In the remainder of the episode, Whittaker checks an exhaustive list of the characteristic behaviors of the character, including (but not limited to): speaking very fast; break things; operation; watch a scary extraterrestrial; bring out the best of his companions; threatening said scary extraterrestrial; and choosing a set that would certainly not be lost in a crowd. Whittaker would also like you to know, thank you very much, that she did her own stunts when the Doctor jumped from one arm of the crane to the other. "I had to do it myself, because I had to," said Whittaker, adding that she was grateful to the stunt team for leaving a "child too enthusiastic" as she participated in the event. 39; action.

Ben Ritter / Bustle

And the audience is obviously more excited about the series than it has been for a long time, much to the dismay of the enemies of the projection that "PC culture" would be the loss of Doctor Who. According to a BBC America press release, Sunday's premiere drew 48% more viewers than the previous season and also beat the debuts of David Tennant and Matt Smith, the popular 10th and 11th Doctors, respectively. Whittaker was thrilled to see fans of all ages and genders already cosplaying his doctor at San Diego Comic-Con long before the episodes were aired. The NYCC crowd greeted her with a standing ovation on the first day. And being at this level with the ever-growing fandom is not impermanent.

"I guess it seems like such a long time, that feeling of not doing it," she says when I ask her if she will stay in the Whoniverse once her race is over. "But the thing that's been so brilliant about the role, and something I know because I know [David Tennant], once you're in the family, you've never gone out … I can be 80 years old and be nicknamed the "Doctor" by someone, and know that you are always welcome in this world is extraordinary. "

So do not be intimidated by the years of history or by the ardent and educated fan base. Jodie Whittaker quickly learned – and added to – what's special about Doctor Who. You can also.

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