Joe Biden also sent a suspicious package after Obama, Clinton targeted by pipe bombs


  • Authorities are investigating a series of suspicious packages sent to CNN and several prominent Democrats.

  • The packages appeared to contain homemade bombs, officials said. No injuries were reported.

  • Lawmakers and media figures on Wednesday called for an end to partisan and aggressive speeches following the incidents.

Law enforcement officials are investigating suspicious packages containing "potential explosive devices" sent to several prominent Democrats, including Hillary and Bill Clinton and former President Barack Obama, as well as CNN.

The packages – all wrapped in bubble wrap inside kraft paper envelopes – are being sent for analysis to the FBI's Quantico, Virginia lab, the agency said Wednesday afternoon.

Devices were sent Tuesday night to the Clinton home in Chappaqua, New York, about 30 km north of New York, and Wednesday at the Obama office in Washington, according to the secret service.

CNN reported Wednesday night that investigators were tracking down an additional suspect package apparently addressed to former Vice President Joe Biden. Quoting two anonymous law enforcement officials, CNN's Jim Sciutto said the authorities had considered the package a threat because it was very similar to the messages sent this week.

Reuters later confirmed the news about sending to Biden.

"The packages were immediately identified as potential explosive devices during routine mail control procedures and were treated as such," the Secret Service said in a statement about the first shipments. "The beneficiaries did not receive the parcels and were not likely to receive them."

The CNN newsroom in New York was evacuated on Wednesday morning after the discovery in the mailroom of a "suspicious package" containing a device that appeared to be a homemade bomb, as well as an "envelope containing white powder, "said New York City police. James O'Neill told reporters.

The package was sent to John Brennan, former director of the CIA, CNN reported. Brennan, contributor for NBC and MSNBC, does not work for CNN.

The explosive device sent to CNN headquarters appears to have been sent by the same person or by people who sent the packages to the Clinton and Obama, the NYPD chief of counter-terrorism said. The same person or group should also be behind an explosive device sent to prominent Democratic donor George Soros earlier this week.

It is unclear what motivated the individual or individuals to send explosive devices, although all victims are frequently victims of the anger of President Donald Trump. The president repeatedly attacked CNN on the pretext of "false news". She called for Hillary Clinton to be jailed and claimed to be the victim of an attempt at conspiratorial killing by Soros and the Democrats.

Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), Former chair of the Democratic National Committee, was added to the list of return senders, although her name was misspelled as "Shultz," the FBI confirmed.

A suspicious package discovered Wednesday at Wasserman Schultz's office in Sunrise, Florida, was sent to former Attorney General Eric Holder, but was redirected to his address on the basis of the return label.

Wasserman Schultz issued a statement in which she denounced the attempted violence and claimed that she was "deeply disturbed by the way [her] name was used. "

A suspicious package sent to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) Was also intercepted at a Congressional mail filtering center in Capitol Heights, Maryland, confirmed her office at HuffPost.

"The US Capitol Police informed me that my office in Washington, DC, was the target of a suspicious package sent back to the FBI," Waters said in a statement. "I unequivocally condemn all acts of violence and terror."

However, the FBI did not mention this package in its Wednesday afternoon update on the situation.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) also said a "device" was sent to his office in Manhattan. However, a police sergeant in New York confirmed to HuffPost that it was not a suspicious package, but a letter and a USB stick containing electronic files on the violent group Proud Boys and that nothing threatened.

Several media outlets initially reported that a separate package had been sent to the White House. The secret services said the reports were incorrect.

The Mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, strongly condemned these attempts at terrorist acts.

"What we saw here today was an effort of terror, a terrorist act aimed at undermining our free press and our leaders in this country with acts of violence," he said. "I want to make it clear that the people of New York will not be intimidated, we will take care of our lives without being discouraged, because the very concept of terrorism is to change us and we will not allow that to happen."

The White House said that "the secret services of the United States and other law enforcement agencies are investigating and taking all appropriate measures to protect those threatened by these cowards".

"We condemn the recent attempts at violent attacks against President Obama, President Clinton, Secretary of State Clinton and other public figures," said the press secretary. White House, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, in a statement. "These acts of terrorism are heinous, and any responsible will be held responsible to the fullest extent permitted by law."

Initially, Trump did not make any personal statement about the situation but tweeted, "I totally agree!", Accompanied by a statement from Vice President Mike Pence condemning the Attempted attacks.

S addressing the press later, Trump denounced attempts at attacks.

"In these times, we must unite, we must come together and send a very clear, strong and obvious message – that acts or threats of political violence have no place in the United States of America." America, "he said. "We are extremely angry, upset, dissatisfied with what we have witnessed this morning and will get to the bottom of things."

CNN President Jeff Zucker slammed the White House his repeated attacks on the media as a result of the bomb threats.

"There is a complete and complete lack of understanding in the White House about the seriousness of continuing their attacks on the media," Zucker said in a statement Wednesday afternoon. "The president, and in particular the White House press secretary, should understand that their words matter. Until then, they have not shown any understanding of this. "

Hillary Clinton expressed gratitude to the secret services on Wednesday. Although she did not call Trump by name in her remarks about the suspicious package, she noted the "deep divisions" that plague the country.

"We're all right, thanks to the secret service men and women who intercepted the package that was sent to us well before it came to our home," said Hillary Clinton of Miami.

"It's a troubling time, is not it?" She added. "This is a time of deep divisions and we must do everything in our power to bring our country closer."

Sebastian Murdock contributed to the report.

This is a story in development. Please check again for updates.

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