Joe Ianniello, Interim CEO of CBS, Promotes "A Safe and Positive Workplace" – Variety


CBS Acting President and CEO Joe Ianniello has promised to create a "safe and positive work environment" for CBS staff after Sunday's upheaval with the departure of Leslie Moonves as President and CEO.

"It has never been more important for us to know clearly that CBS is strongly committed to diversity, inclusion and a safe and positive work environment," wrote Ianniello in a note sent Monday morning to 20,000 employees. of CBS in the world. "This is an integral part of our growth plan because together we unlock the tremendous talents of all our employees."

Ianniello takes the reins after Moonves was deported amidst a growing list of women accused of sexual assault and misconduct against the longtime industry titan. On Sunday, CBS and National Amusements Inc. also settled the bitter lawsuit that broke out in May amid a clash between majority shareholder Shari Redstone and Moonves over CBS's future direction. . Ianniello has been Moonves' right lieutenant on the corporate side for more than a decade.

"Today also marks a major transition for all of us, while Leslie Moonves leaves CBS. The departure occurs at a time when we operate from a position of great strategic strength, "wrote Ianniello. "As you all know, there is incredible work going on throughout the company and I am confident that we have the best people to continue to build on our outstanding success."

Ianniello noted that CBS Corp. Spends about $ 7 billion a year on content for all of its divisions – the CBS Network, Showtime, its local O & O stations, and the Simon & Schuster publisher.

"The strength and evolution of all these activities has brought us to where we are today – a global premium content center. Time and again, we have developed and implemented strategies that take advantage of our unique and beneficial position, and what is most exciting is that we are still at the beginning of this process, "wrote Ianniello.

The pressure is explained by CBS executives as Ronan Farrow's exhibitors in the New Yorker who chased Moonves off his perch also raised serious questions about CBS culture. Many insiders have inherited the idea that women face a hostile work environment at CBS. But the careful scrutiny of Moonves and his actions has cast a cloud throughout the society. The hope is that a new CEO and a big transition on the board – with six new members joining the 14-member panel – will allow a fresh start.

Ianniello was closely aligned with Moonves and had been a big supporter of the CBS lawsuit filed against NAI in May. Many insiders are asking him to become permanent CEO, but he will have to overcome a difficult relationship with Redstone in the last few months and he will have to make a strong impression on the new board of directors.

Ianniello has been with CBS for 21 years and has risen through the ranks of business. He is Director of Operations since 2013. He was promoted to Chief Financial Officer in 2009.

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