Joe Jonas disguised as Sophie Turner's Game of Thrones character


Joe Jonas has worn Halloween costumes to a new level by dressing in Sansa
Joe Jonas has worn Halloween costumes to a new level by dressing in Sansa

Image: Raymond Hall / GC Images

Joe Jonas won the hearts and Halloween even Saturday night with one of the best two-sided costumes we have ever seen.

As the ultimate stan of his future wife, Sophie Turner, Jonas attended a costume party disguised as Sansa Stark, his Game of thrones character. Meanwhile, the actress behind Sansa has become … an elephant. Perfection.

In case the iconic red wig would not be a dead gift, Jonas even posted a video of his dramatic entry as Sansa with the Game of thrones credits the music playing in the background of its Insta story. We do not know if it was a good idea to also add a GIF of Tyrion Lannister, the almost Sansa husband, to the video – but at least Jon seems to approve of it.

joe jonas sansa stark sophie turner fiancee

Image: joe jonas, Instagram

joe jonas sansa stark sophie turner fiancee

Image: joe jonas, instagram

We hope these adorable antics are only a glimpse of a very Game of thrones wedding in the future. Only, of course, with less blood and death than is typical for a Game of thrones wedding.

After getting engaged in 2017, both said that they would wait until the end of the show before proceeding with the planning. Now that they are finally ready to shoot for the last season, this is more than a matter of time.

Jonah's love for the iconic character of his fiancee is not the only one Game of thrones connection in their coupling. Maisie Williams, Turner's sister on the screen, Stark, will also be a bridesmaid at the wedding – which will likely also have a lot of others Game of thrones guests present.

So here's Joe Joe for finally giving Sansa Stark the beautiful love she deserves.

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