Joe Maddon and Chicago Cubs puzzled by the rain Friday at Washington Nationals


WASHINGTON – As they try to hold their Saturday match between two raindrops, the Chicago Cubs are still wondering why their game against the Washington Nationals did not take place on Friday night.

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"If you want the real story, contact MLB," manager Joe Maddon said Saturday. "It also baffled us, we played when we should not have, and then we did not play when we should have.

The teams waited a delay of 1:21 to start the game Friday, before playing 1 2/3 innings before the rains resume. This time, they stayed nearly three hours longer, forcing a cancellation, but curiously only after the rain stopped around 23:30. AND. The Cubs were ready to play next.

"We waited as long as we did and the sky was absolutely clear from that moment on [11:30 p.m.] on, and they said that they could not be sure that there would not be another pop-up [storm]"Maddon said." I am beyond an amateur meteorologist and I could see that it would not rain anymore, so it was a little confusing for us too. "

The Washington Nationals ground teams fire the cover on the field during Friday night's rain delay, which resulted in a postponement against the Cubs. Rob Carr / Getty Images

Entrance Jon Lester has started a single run, so he will return on the short break on Monday to face the Milwaukee Brewers at Wrigley Field. The question was also whether the teams would play a double tournament Saturday or a single entry. The nationals wanted a day / night connection.

"We have already played three of these [split doubleheaders]", said the player Kris Bryant. It's our right [per the CBA] want a double head straight. We ended up getting it, but we had to wait here for a while. "

Bryant does not advocate playing baseball after midnight, but it is the lesser of the two evils, compared to a late postponement and then a doubling a few hours later. And now, even the rain has been delayed on Saturday.

"I'm so confused," said Bryant. "From the player's point of view, when you play at 1 or 2 in the morning, you're going to have the worst baseball possible, but call it early or just play."

Sunday calls for even more rain, which can cause more headaches because Sunday is the last meeting between the teams. They have a common day off Thursday, but it was going to be the Cubs' first day off in 24 days. There are no good options, which is why Maddon wanted to play the game at all costs on Friday.

"It was unfortunate, because we clearly stated at the beginning, we were ready to wait and play," he said. "We had no problem with leaving at 11:30."

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