Joe Manchin's social media accounts have been hacked


WASHINGTON, Nov. 1 (Reuters) – US Senator Joe Manchin has been informed that his social media accounts have been hacked, his office said Thursday, as the US government announced attempts to interfere in parliamentary elections in Congress.

The announcement comes less than a week before the elections, which will determine whether Republicans will retain control of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

Manchin, a Democrat, is fighting to retain his seat in West Virginia, a state in which two-thirds of voters backed US Republican President Donald Trump in the presidential elections two years ago.

The elections will serve as a test for polling safety in the United States after intelligence agencies have concluded that the Russians have mingled with the 2016 elections. Moscow has denied being ingested in the US elections.

US law enforcement and intelligence officials warned that Russia, China, Iran and other foreign entities were also trying to interfere in the next vote. Meanwhile, the US government indicted a Russian woman for conspiracy to interfere in the November 6 elections.

It was not clear right away when Manchin's accounts were hacked or by whom. It was also difficult to know what had been done with the accounts when they had been hacked.

The Manchin office said in a statement that the senator and his collaborators were working with law enforcement officials to prevent hackers and secure accounts. (Report by Makini Brice, edited by Tom Brown)

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